EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 811

OK, have a nice weekend everyone!

Here's my guess as to what's in store for all of us :) Let me explain my thoughts.

1) According to Option 3 (green), a correction in the form of a zigzag is possible. Why exactly this and not in the form of a plane (as usually the 4th wave goes) because (2) the wave went in a complex way (flat), and according to the law of alternation of waves (4) the wave in this case should be simple (zagzag).

Also, it is possible that the green variant has not started yet, and it is necessary for Jews to rise a little bit more to the level of 1.4440 as it is possible that the current northward impulse is missing one stroke upwards, according to idea.

2) I believe that the fall structure is not yet complete, and therefore (although I have 1 open buy order by mistake) I still do not want a north, but I am waiting for another 450-500 pips fall in the form of (5) wave south to the target 1.4030 - 1.3920.

3) Variants 1 and 2 do not differ much, but I expect a triangular structure of (4) waves.

4) And the last, red option #4. Unlikely in my opinion, but! Given that the thick red line connecting points (0)-(2) has been broken, suggests that the trend has reversed into a correction OR that (4) will be a long wave... I don't really want that option. Red option target ~1.4650. And then a long road to the South in the form of a 3rd big wave.

I am attaching the H1 count:

For me, option 2 would be ideal.

I might write a sequel later.


Noterday >> :

Take into account the statistics of seasonal changes, look at the history. New Year's Eve, however, always moves the price out of tune.
10:25(+2) EUR 1.4408
Noterday >> :

Here's my guess as to what's in store for us all :) Let me explain my thoughts.

>> Thanks for the prediction, though interesting.

Yes, the course is on.

Who cares - the Euro is currently rising at 1.4395:

25 Dec. FX rates as of 07:50 GMT
Post. Last Mod% Daily. Day. Changes%

USD/JPY Yen 91.43-46/////// 91.51-54 -0.09 91.63 91.37 +0.92
EUR/USD Euro 1.4393-95///// 1 .4374-76 +0.13 1.4398 1.4365 +2.97
GBP/USD GBP Sterling 1.5967-71///// 1 .5955-58 +0.08 1.5988 1.5962 +9.17
USD/CHF Swiss Franc 1.0354-58 /////1.0378-82 -0.23 1.0375 1.0353 -2.95
USD/CAD Canadian 1.0499-02//////// 1.0496-99 +0.03 1.0503 1.0496 -13.70
AUD/USD Austral 0.8854-58 ////////0.8825-28 +0.33 0.8856 0.8827 +25.18
NZD/USD New Zealand 0.7062-64 ////////0.7059-63 +0.04 0.7070 0.7060 +21.03