EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 568


Are we going up today?


Think with your head, read books, forums and oanda, think through your strategy, try-mistake-correct and all questions will eventually fall away.....

Yep, this thread is dead .....


the market will be more cheerful now, the news important for the eurozone will be 10:00 hryvnia.

and maybe it will have an impact!?


Euro-Zone Industrial Production sa (MoM) Progn. 0.5% Predicted 0.9%

bullshit zero in phase((.

Who bids? Until where are the longs in force? I think up to 1.4890 quietly.
Industrial production in the Eurozone has increased.
15:00 USA Nov 7 MBA Mortgage Applications Index Forecast



16:30 Canada Sen New Housing Price Index +0.2% mom +0.1% m/m
16:30 USA Nov 8 Initial Jobless Claims 510 000 512 000
16:30 USA November 1 Total number of people receiving unemployment benefits (Continuing Jobless Claims) 5.700 million 5.749 million
18:30 USA Nov 6 Oil reserves (barrels)
Gasoline Stocks (barrels)
Gasoline stocks (barrels) Distillate stocks (barrels)
Refinery capacity utilisation
-3.936 million
-287 000
-378 000
22:00 USA Oct State budget (Budget) -$150.0 billion -$155.5bn



this news isn't going to work... everyone's talking about the depression..., the dollar's getting stronger, how much longer can we fall!? no one cares about the news, for now... there shouldn't be much of a change.

Private opinion, not to be taken into account.


Favourite EURUSD

12 November, Thursday 21.30 US US Treasuries held by foreign central banks Nov. 5-11

$2.16 trillion

November 12, Thursday 21.30 US Borrowing through the Fed's discount window Nov 5-11

Here's where the movement could be