EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 567

went to sleep following the market
OlegTs писал(а) >>
went to sleep following the market

>> you're making a point.

Why is everyone so quiet? Waiting for a miracle? ))

Netrebka bot waiting!

They're going to throw in 1.52 and as promised 1.28!

Galya in shorts is frying cutlets all the time.


but the setup is 100% almost the same.

¥ 3% F
$ £ F ¥
114% -5% 8% 13%
$ -7% 46%
£ 120% 11% 17%
F 3%

alexander should be in the bidding by now. from the bread town after all!

there is a slight time difference. ISU will confirm.


ISU - you are ignored and you know why.

And look for metrics...



Let's move on

Sorento писал(а) >>

alexander should already be in the bidding. from the bread town after all!

there's a bit of a time difference. The ISU will confirm it.


ISU - you are ignored and you know why.

And look for the metrics.


And I'm in the bidding all the time. I mean, the account's in the bidding. And I'm asleep till lunchtime. Why do you like my town so much? You want to come visit? Then come. The Kazakhs are a hospitable people.

The time difference - no need to go to Gip - even Windows can confirm it. It's +3 hours from Moscow. Where are you from? :)

P.S. Why do you ignore Gip?

Skymaster писал(а) >>
Why is everyone so quiet? >> are you waiting for a miracle? ))

We wait, we don't need such a market, ay yes crisis I have robots for it. It's a sleepy kingdom, for God's sake.

Helex >> :

We wait, we don't need such a market, ay yes crisis I have robots for it. >> you're a sleepy kingdom, for God's sake.

>> that's right... I don't even follow the market much anymore. All the same...

Sorento >> :

alexander should already be in the bidding. From the bread town after all!

there is a slight time difference. ISU will confirm.


ISU - you're ignored and you know why.

And look for the records...


You never showed me yours, and you don't have a medal. In fact, maybe you're a bot, you don't even have a name. Why am I speaking to you? Fuck it. Go to hell or back to the woods with your complaints.


If you were a Malaysian prince, I'd still think :))) I think there's a prince here, I know how many there are. Come on, if you're a prince...