EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 493

Actually, logically, what connection do you see between the euro and gold? Or do we only have gold in Europe?
Noterday >> :
Actually, logically, what is the connection between the euro and gold? Or do we only have gold in Europe?

>> Gold is bought with dollars and vice versa.

Noterday >> :
Now we'll see 1.4700 one more time and we can sell. Ready number 1!!!! :)

i was right ! ;)

Noterday писал(а) >>

I was right ! ;)

In what? there's an expanding triangle on the m5.....

coming out soon...


Good evening!

How's Gosplan? ;)

That's it, I'll try to sell the euro with a small stop))))
TEXX >> :

In what? there's an expanding triangle on the m5.....

coming out soon...

Right about 1.4700 and then down. Yes, the triangle is expanding...took the last wave e* to the downwards, I think...


Gold's rise could reverse the downside scenario for the euro/dollar pair

India bought 200 tonnes today!

Market Analysis

03 November 2009

FX Note: Is gold trying to tell us something?

John J. Hardy, FX Consultant, Saxo Bank

FX Note: Is gold trying to tell us something?

Interesting to note the explosion in gold higher today despite the USD remaining relatively bid. Crude oil is also headed sharply higher and the CAD has responded to that latter development. It appears someone is placing significant bets on the commodities complex ahead of the FOMC meeting tomorrow. It came forward recently that the hedge fund legend Paul Tudor Jones has taken a shine to the metal. Note in the chart how gold (yellow line) has tended to slavishly follow the USD (inverse dollar index is the white line) over the past many months, while this surprise acceleration is showing a strong decoupling and also shows gold advancing sharply against the Euro (red line). Note that the record high for gold in Euros is still some way off. The commodity moves should be making USD longs nervous.

Noterday писал(а) >>

Right about 1.4700 and then down. Yes, the triangle is expanding...took the last e* wave it has to go downwards...

And who said that "e" has formed?

It is almost complete. There are 5 waves...unless the 5th wave is a converging diagonal triangle or an extension. I think 1.4715 would be a more accurate sell entry...