EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 490

Risk писал(а) >>

I guess it's a rare moment when a scalper has made some money and decided to post it online sooner ?

And another question, can't you see the entire trading history ? And also see all the trades of November 2 ?

And how do your pictures correlate with trades that open and close in a couple of minutes ?

Is this some kind of criticism? Before you can criticize, you have to show your trades.

Alexan писал(а) >>

Is this some kind of criticism? Before you criticise, it would be a good idea to show your trade.

All trades live up to their parameters.

SEVER11 писал(а) >>

All deals live up to their parameters(trawl-universal)

I was quoting another person :)

Telepuzik писал(а) >>

I can't sew, I can't transplant, I can't cook.)

How many times a week do you transplant?

I have a huge garden.

Right now I'm growing strawberries in pots :)

I'm serious.

you can do it on a larger timeframe, but there's a lot of rubbish, you can only make it out on a minute, but you can see the support levels very well

Yes indeed.....

Lots of rubbish....

Shorts !!!

Shorts !!!

Shorts !!!

I like it :)))

Waves ----- waves.....

And the gold's already taken 1,080...

Alexan писал(а) >>

And the gold's already up 1,080...

Gold has a long way to go to the top.

Even now, when it seems like everything is already.... it's not too late to buy :)))

The worse the economic situation in the world, the higher gold goes.

It's on its own now ....

Highs have been breached, now it's upwards .


Don't be in a hurry to get out of this position.

It can be held for a couple of months.

Of course there will be pullbacks, maybe sharp and unexpected, but eventually everything will end up in new highs.

The only thing that should not be done is to increase positions on the rise of gold.

I mean, of course one should build them up, but only on a pullback down. :))

I hope you know what I mean :))))))