EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 305

OK, let's put the question another way. What is the basis for believing that the system works? I mean, you just have to deal with your psychology and the money will come in droves. There is not a single surfer who has already sorted out his psychology and is taking the dough by joints. Maybe the system's not working, huh?!
wise >> :
OK, let's put the question another way. What is the basis for believing that the system is working?

>> from experience.

wise >> :
There isn't a single wolfman who has already sorted out his psychology and is taking dough in joints

Not a proven fact!!! Why not?

RomanS >> :

>> From experience.

Whose experience?! You yourself have admitted that you are not yet able to draw waves "quite correctly". Or did I misunderstand something?

Sorry, RomanS... the fact is proven by you. And apparently repeatedly. How many more leaks do we have to make?
RomanS >> :

Not a proven fact!!! Why not?

The scientific approach is to prove the existence of something, not the other way round.

Is there any data somewhere on consistently trading wolves? So far it all boils down to various Woznes and Nirobs.

Helen >> :
Sorry RomanS... the fact is proven by you. And apparently repeatedly. How many more leaks do we have to make?

It's not about the system either!!! Read my posts above carefully...

This is about me, not the system!!!

RomanS >> :

It's not about the system either!!! Read my posts above carefully...

This is about me, not the system.

One of the most dangerous misconceptions is to attribute profits to "the system" and losses to "hang-ups" and "your mistakes".

RomanS писал(а) >>

It's not about the system either!!! Read my posts above carefully...

It's about me, not the system!!!

The human factor is always the main factor in making right and wrong decisions, so a semi-automated system allows you to reduce the risk of making wrong decisions - which is almost human logic which is quite complex at first glance...

Eh, Roma... I'm listening, I'm listening... Fingers burned, not because the kettle's hot, but because you shouldn't stick your fingers in it...