EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 277

gip >> :

What has oil got to do with it? He's been pederastically harassing the forum members and shouldn't be allowed on the thread.

And about $12, how stupid do you have to be to steal that? >>America started several wars because of the price of oil and you really think they will let it drop like this when there's only 30-50 years of it left?

Colleague, let me disagree with you. When oil got to $150 - all the fucking analysts were screaming in one voice that oil would soon be worth $250, but it dropped to $36 !!! per barrel in just 3 months. Who would have believed it then - from 150 to 36 in 3 months ! You wouldn't have believed it yourself. And when our super-duper bubble market went from 2000 to 500 for only 6 months, despite the fact that it took the market 4 years to gain these 2000 points? Let's just say - I wouldn't be surprised if oil was worth that much. By the way, if you're interested I can give you a link to an article where two respected people put forward a very plausible hypothesis that all hydrocarbons, which includes oil, are a HUGE source of energy. At that rate, I wouldn't be surprised to see a price of $12 double. In fact, to put my point to it, I believe that this crisis is manageable. If you look closely, what and how happens in the world at large and in our country in particular - will be clear that the "chance" is very close to the "law". I've said it all, I'm breaking a sweat 8)))))

gip писал(а) >>

What has oil got to do with it? He's been pederastically harassing the forum members and shouldn't be allowed on the thread.

And about $12, how stupid do you have to be to steal that? America started several wars because of the price of oil and you really think they will let it drop like this when there's only 30-50 years left of it?

This is bullshit!

It was made up for the common people of this world to say that it's the oil that's causing the war...

Yeah, wait for it!

There's so much money laundered from those wars.

The quid they just printed. There was a lot of business going on there, much bigger than the whole notorious oil market.

And the fact that oil went from 150 quid so easily just proves that I'm a failure.

First the speculators took it up and then they took it down.


Greetings, colleagues! If anyone is interested, you can read an informative book by N. Starikov. "Crisis. How it's done."

starikoff.rar  1384 kb
Galina >> :

It's all bullshit!


So - as a speculum to speculum - can we push for 12, eh ???? 8)))))

Galina писал(а) >>

By the way, I want to show you the demo report.

Just a tip, do you think it's worth betting on a real one?

I traded 1 minute on the eur-dollar pair.

What do you think ?

By the way...

I've been doing some thinking... and I've decided,


I'm gonna run this robot on the reel, and we'll see...

It's not a pity if it fails.

It'll work...... :))))

Well, then... pie for everyone :)

Krotu писал(а) >>

So - as a speculum to a speculum - let's push it to 12, eh ???? 8)))))

no ush :) Fire away !!!!

Fuck that naughty little thing.

I have had a rule for six years now which I have never broken.


I've seen too many people who have lost all their hard-earned money in these very instruments.

And I'm no exception :)

Galina >> :

It's all bullshit!

It was made up for the common people of this world to say that because of the war ...

Yeah, wait for it!

There was so much money laundered from those wars.

The quid they just printed. There was a lot of business going on there, much bigger than the whole notorious oil market.

And the fact that oil went from 150 quid so easily just proves that I'm a failure.

First, the speculators drove it up, then they drove it down just as easily.

Galina, if it's no secret, do you earn a lot on the market?

I do not want to offend you, but it just breaks my heart when I see words like norkote, right dope. And what is offensive, many people write illiterate.

So my question is whether there is a link between a bad grade in Russian and profitable trading on the markets.

Krotu >> :

How can I argue with someone who knows nothing but charts? $12 is an abstraction.

bivus >> :

Greetings, colleagues! If anyone is interested, you can read an informative book by N. Starikov. "Crisis. How it's done."

You don't really need to read anything, if you have a head on your shoulders and not an ass screwed on. The name of the whole thing is Globalisation, the consolidation of capital, the shift from state governance, to corporate governance. In that respect, I really like sci-fi. Fantasticists, people are super smart. They've thought of everything centuries in advance. The basic idea of today's world is that we all have to work unloved jobs a la Danone, Nestlé, McDonald's, Gazprom, etc. from 6 am to 12 at night (a favourite word in many companies - overtime) only to earn a pittance and spend it on goods produced for next to nothing but with a huge markup in the same companies. This creates HUGE profits, cheap labour and happiness and prosperity for a select few families-financial clans. And everyone else is a slave in the field. This is the modern world. And when someone tries to raise their head and say that this is no way to live, they get hit in the head with a big hammer in the form of crises and other delights of civilization, so that they know where they belong. Money is the main god and the biggest evil in the modern world. Unfortunately, not many people understand this essence of the problem.

bivus писал(а) >>

Greetings, colleagues! If anyone is interested, you can read an informative book by N. Starikov. "Crisis. How it's done."

Speaking of books !!!!

A GREAT book.

If you've read it, I think you'll agree with me.

"The doomsday of American finance. "The Soft Depression of the 21st Century." W. Bonner, E. Wiggin.

I highly recommend it, but I don't have it in electronic form.

It's better to buy this kind of literature and reread it more often.

This book has been outlawed for years in America and has wandered around on the Internet in English only.

I have been looking for it for a long time, but now you can easily buy it.

Read it! You will not regret it!