EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2156

OlegTs >>:
Может я конечно и не прав, и по этой паре сейчас не торгую, но по моим доморощенным индюкам - пару недель роста еще будет...
I think you're right, the main direction in the near future is upwards. But the bottom is yet to be knocked.
but now after news like this it's probably down... :)
131 >>:
но сейчас после таких новостей наверное вниз... :)
don't believe your eyes; ))))) could be anything, the staff news is a bit of a market booster, and you can't guess in which direction...
I wonder if the Evra can run down 800 pips in a day?
NikT_58 >>:
Интересно,Евра может вниз пробежать пунктов 800 в сутки?
Definitely, but in alliance with the JPY and not now, imho
OlegTs >>:
однозначно, но в союзе с JPY, имхо
No, it's on its own.
NikT_58 >>:
Нет сам а по себе.
and we're tying it to what?

Only a suicidal man would buy the Euro now.

And we can't go up any more than 100 pips.

NikT_58 >>:

Сейчас только самоубийца будет покупать Евру.

И вверх нам нельзя ни на какие 100 пунктов .

the euro is oversold, the dollar is overbought - there will be a prolonged upward correction or stomping in the extreme...
OlegTs >>:
а привязываем мы ее к чему?
To the debt of course.