EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2143

Bought some cables
Noterday >>:
Ну что, Forte, какие теперь будут варианты? :)

The options depend on what they are for. If you want to get publicity, there are a lot of them.) If you want to trade, there is only one ;). Follow the market.

Come on, people, wake up: haven't you had enough yet?

2 forte928 - the blitheness of your predictions (and comments) can put you on a par with some notorious characters (the fantastist and the Niroba). It's not about the methods you use: it doesn't matter who has the more wrong point of view - it's all subjective and the market doesn't care about it all. Neither you nor they even allow for the possibility of a planned loss, i.e. a false signal from their system, for which scenario cancellation levels are necessarily specified: trivial stops. Overconfidence simply indicates a lack of experience and does more harm. I suspect that's why FreeLance is poking fun at the "battle of the titans" thing. So far you've managed to justify moves in both directions:

1. the main trend is descending - (my comments): ok. not sure what is correct, but it is the same as my system estimate, I may add, that the intraday trend change signals may not be considered before the breakdown of the levels 1.2310-1.2315 at the moment. Although I sometimes allow myself to trade against it, if it is far away from the stop level and super-short trends (1, 5 min) give a signal, but with a much lower entry level and very short stops

2. Pullbacks from 1.2280 (approximately) to 1.2490 - (my comments): probably, just a question of when - I have no signals yet

3. decided that the divergence has formed an entry signal, i.e. now - (my comments): a question: where is the cancellation level ? stop where ? and then the divergence is a counter trend signal and may serve as confirmation, but, IMHO, not the main signal.

- It is clear that one of the predictions will come true, the market has followed the trend since the opening. Even the intraday has been going down since the 10th and is still going up.

I wrote about it a few times before ;). Last time here .

So is it worth breaking so many copies and wasting so much energy in vain ? Wouldn't it be easier to "go quietly down the mountain and fuck the whole herd" ;) ?

Good luck.

SZY not to reply - this is a rejoinder for those who are bored with prognostication and want to earn ;)....


Forte has an inherently cool forecasting idea...yes it's not even forecasting but something else, better, but it's all so raw that I see the implementation of his system as 1 in 10. And that may be because it's guesswork. How many of his predictions have failed in a row has anyone counted? No one has counted, but because they believe him because they have nothing similar to his system and have to fall back on it.

However, notice how much criticism addressed to Forte (from me as well), everyone is trying to either bring the system down or to idolize it, it all shows its uniqueness and I respect this man for that.

But I wish him to be a little more modest in his actions.

Noterday >>:

У Forte классная по своей сути идея пронозтрования...да это даже и не пронозирование а нечто другое, более качественное, но всё это настолько сырое, что я вижу реализацию его системы как 1 к 10. И то может потому что наугад. Сколько уже подряд его прогнозов не оправдались кто нибудь считал? Нет, не считал никто, а потому что верят ему т.к. у самих себя нет ничего похожего на эту системы и упавать приходится только на неё.

Однако, заметьте, сколько критики поступает в адрес Forte (в том числе и от меня), каждый наровит либо опустить систему либо её боготворить, всё это говорит об уникальности подхода, и за это я уважаю этого человека.

Но желаю ему быть немного поскромнее в своих действиях.

It's not about the system itself: if you learn to see the market, you can also use banal scales or Ishimoku, or whatever else you like - what is more important is an objective assessment of the system's capabilities and the quality of your trading decisions.

Good luck.

Without specifying stops, as I said earlier and as correctly noted by VladislavVG, all predictions and "the art of drawing on the monitor", including forte928, are worth a penny.
That's what I don't get, if you KNOW where the market is going, why do you need stops? Just in case? So you're not sure of your system.... and if you're not sure, you're screwed, sooner or later....
Noterday >>:
Вот этого я вообще не понимаю, если ты ЗНАЕШЬ куда идёт рынок, зачем нужны стопы? На всякий случай? Значит ты не уверен в своей системе....а неуверен - слив, рано или поздно....

This is from lack of experience ;). The whole point is that any system is a "probability game" the market usually goes for higher probability, but not always. That's what stops are for - not always‖. In addition, it increases discipline. And it increases the objectivity of evaluation and unambiguity of the decision. Example with the forte - I wrote above - what decision will you take on such a prediction? Both scenarios didn't work out. Although the author sure knows where the market will go ;). In one scenario we have a drawdown - to a margin call or to a stop?

In the second scenario it is easier - "sitting on the fence" - there is no need for a stopper - we need a new entry point, and the entry point needs a stopper ;) - Who knows when and from what levels the trend will reverse?

Good luck.

Noterday >>:
Вот этого я вообще не понимаю, если ты ЗНАЕШЬ куда идёт рынок, зачем нужны стопы? На всякий случай? Значит ты не уверен в своей системе....а неуверен - слив, рано или поздно....

It is not a question of "sure" or "not sure". There can be no prediction without stops, because there is no way to check later if it is correct or not (the prediction). You can open a long position and a short position right now without stops and there is NO way to check which one was a successful entry.

There should be points, on reaching which one can judge whether the prediction was correct or not. Without them it is very convenient for neuro-analytics to work.

joo >>:

Дело не в "уверен" или "неуверен". Без стопов не может быть прогноза, так как нет возможности впоследствии проверить, верен он или нет (прогноз). Можно прямо сейчас открыть длинную и короткую позу одновременно без стопов и не будет НИКАКОЙ возможности проверить, какой из них был удачным входом.

Должны быть точки, по достижении которых можно судить, верен был прогноз или нет. Без них очень удобно работать нейробоподобным говноаналитикам.

Strange, I'm not a neurobot shithole and I trade without stops....there's no challenge =(
Noterday >>:
Странно, я не нейробоподобный говноаналитик, а торгую без стопов....вот не задача =(

Yes, you can trade with or without stops - it's up to you. But you have to know the cancellation level in order to make a forecast - that's what we are talking about ;).

Good luck.