EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1971

Alexan писал(а) >>

Tried these two colours - on my monitor it's just awful. It's a muddy blue colour. I'd rather have black like mine with, as my friend says, poisonous candle colours... Not the best option of course. But contrasting :)

looks great on mine, both dark blue with an emerald hue and blue-grey,
that's why I'm writing that you can adjust the settings to your taste and monitor
the main thing here is the idea of which direction to pick up
waitra писал(а) >>

looks great on mine, both navy blue with an emerald tint and blue-grey,
that's why I'm writing that you can adjust the settings to suit your tastes and monitor
the main thing here is the idea of which direction to pick up

I was thinking that if you use dark tones in the charts, the eye will constantly have to readjust.... because everything else is white. Forum, excel pages etc.
Alexan писал(а) >>

Tried these two colours - on my monitor it's just awful. It's a muddy blue colour. I'd rather have black like mine with, as my friend says, poisonous candle colours... Not the best option of course. But contrasting :)

Try medium sea green or just sea greem and put yellow candles with different outlines

strangerr писал(а) >>

Thank you. 41

But at heart 18 :)))
Alexan >>:

Но в душЕ 18 :)))

Yes, as my kinfolk say - no mind and won't be.))

strangerr писал(а) >>

Yes, as my kinfolk say - no mind and won't be.))

happy holidays... health and mad profits and we'll buy the rest.
I take it I'm not the only one who thinks I'm an idiot? =) All traders are misunderstood... =( We just don't want to work )))))))
exi писал(а) >>

I was thinking that if you use dark tones on the charts, the eye has to constantly readjust.... Because everything else is white. Forum, excel pages etc.

If you look continuously at the white (or bright light colours) on the monitor - then the eyes strain more (try for the sake of experiment 10 minutes looking at a white screen, and then on the grey-blue - and compare the feelings). Colour changing is not a big deal. As long as there's no flickering black-white, green-red, etc. For me the graphics don't look dark, more like neutral, muted.
About the settings, decided for myself this way: screen brightness is set to 50%, with white looking like white, but it's not glowing (eyes are hardly tired).

Alexan wrote >>.

I'd rather have a black one like mine with, as my friend says, poisonous candle colours... Not the best option of course. But contrasting :)

What about contrasts - if the colours are inverse (blue-pink, green-red) - it quickly throws you off balance and scatters your attention, if the contrast pairs (white and blue) - on the contrary - improves concentration and attention.

If to approach absolutely subtly - the form and dynamics of proportions of colours has on much more value than separately taken colour. For example, a thin strip of pure blue next to a thin strip of pure yellow - in the sum visually give the gray. If you take two identical "black on white" arrays of text, the antique one (with serifs at the letter ends) reads twice as fast and is almost no strain on the eye as the same array of text printed in sans serif type. That's in a nutshell :-)


We just don't get enough of the adrenaline that we get here.

Skymaster >>:
Я так понял ни одного меня родня считает идиотом? =) Все трейдеры недопоняты... =( Мы просто не хотим работать )))))))

My family cannot imagine how one can trade in nothing (air) ... I do not know if there is a harder job ... to stand in the monitor all day long and piss, you may end up with nothing at all .... .But the thirst for money makes us do what we at least try to do, and even if possible, earn some extra money, despite the fact that Trichet and Bernanke with Sorros are trying to drag us by the horns ... (We citizens of the CIS countries cannot do that ... we have been through much ... and have seen much in 70 years of shoddy life).

P.S. If our eyes were like the hands of a construction worker, we wouldn't have so much as a sore face.