EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1684

Alexan >>:

Отвечаю Максимусу и Форте за Эллиота (последний, к сожалению, преждевременно скончался). Вот пример структуры - импульс 1-2-3-4-5, затем коррекция A-B-C. Самый примитивный пример.
Так вот - если брать более мелкий уровень, то есть разложить каждую из перечисленных волн на волны мелкого порядка, то получится так (начиная с волны 5 и заканчивая волной А, чтоб не засорять эфир) - волна 5 состоит из 5ти волн (т.к. это импульсная волна), волна А, как ни странно, ссотоит тоже из 5-ти волн (в случае зигзага, т.к. его формула 5-3-5). То есть получается идет подряд две пятиволновки - 1-2-3-4-5-1-2-3-4-5. В сумме - 5+А. Вот, Форте, и ответ на вопрос, почему после пятиволновки идет пятиволновка... Нужно считать уровни бОльшего порядка, вот и всё
И так вариатов куча. Может и несколько троек подряд идти. Например треугольник состоит из 5 троек.
Сводить теорию Эллиота к примитивному случаю 1-2-3-4-5-A-B-C думаю не стОит. Все гораздо сложнее, стОит только почитать книжки. Того же Нили например.

What else do you recommend?

Alexan писал(а) >>

Responding to Maximus and Forte for Elliot (the latter, unfortunately, passed away prematurely). Here is an example of a structure - 1-2-3-4-5 momentum, then A-B-C correction. The most primitive example.
So - if we take a shallower level, ie, decompose each of the waves listed above into waves of a smaller order, it will come out as follows (starting with wave 5 and ending with wave A, not to litter the air) - wave 5 is composed of 5 waves (because it is an impulse wave), wave A, strangely enough, composed of 5 waves (in the case of a zigzag, because its formula is 5-3-5). That is, there are two consecutive 5-waves - 1-2-3-4-5-1-2-3-4-5. The total is 5+A. Here, Forte, is the answer to the question of why a five-wave wave is followed by a five-wave wave... You have to count higher order levels, that's all.
And there's a lot of variations. There could be more than one triplet in a row. For example, a triangle consists of five triplets.
I don't think you should reduce Elliot's theory to the primitive case of 1-2-3-4-5-A-B-C. It's much more complicated than that. Just read the books. like Neely's, for example.

Strong... but I guess I don't know until I read a book like Neely's for example.... WHERE is the end of the fifth wave Alex?
What in books about it is written where the end of the fifth wave on the euro the quid Point a finger a place on the schedule (on the schedule because the schedule will show us and time, and not only target)

Every day more and more I realize that technical analysis is nonsense and the fifth ......
If one looks at clouds for too long they start to look like ships, hedgehogs, boots, etc.

The fifth is nonsense. If I look at the clouds for too long, they start to look like ships, hedgehogs, jackhammers, etc.
MaximuS60 писал(а) >>

>> what else do you advise?

If you have time to study waves (a normal study), let's say at least a year or two, then there's a lot. Neely, for example, has been studying for 20 years :)))
If you give me a letter in your mailbox, I'll send you the book on waves by Neely and Prekter. If you've really decided to study it. But I warn you, a superficial study won't help. 1-2-3-4-5-A-B-C doesn't work here...
Alexan писал(а) >>

Responding to Maximus and Forte for Elliot (the latter, unfortunately, passed away prematurely). Here is an example of a structure - 1-2-3-4-5 momentum, then A-B-C correction. The most primitive example.
So - if we take a shallower level, ie, decompose each of the waves listed above into waves of a smaller order, it will come out as follows (starting with wave 5 and ending with wave A, not to litter the air) - wave 5 is composed of 5 waves (because it is an impulse wave), wave A, strangely enough, composed of 5 waves (in the case of a zigzag, because its formula is 5-3-5). That is, there are two consecutive 5-waves - 1-2-3-4-5-1-2-3-4-5. The total is 5+A. Here, Forte, is the answer to the question of why a five-wave wave is followed by a five-wave wave... You have to count levels of higher order, that's all.
And there's a lot of variations. There could be more than one triplet in a row. For example, a triangle consists of five triples.
I don't think you should reduce Elliot's theory to the primitive case of 1-2-3-4-5-A-B-C. It's much more complicated than that. Just read the books. like Neely's, for example.

I make all my predictions based on the wave pattern starting from the highest TF and there are always only five-waves in the market, there are no three waves...Price always goes up from the oldest TF to the smallest - at the moment for currencies the biggest TF is a month - and the esteemed Elliott worked with no more than a weekly, so his theory comes out in the ideal case - as he saw it - because he did not take his theory out of nowhere and on the basis of time series - but at the heart of the basic law that builds the ideal structures and growth - a tree or whatever else all interrelated.As for the painted five-wave structure, you must have got it wrong - the structure 1-2-3-4-5 is followed by 1-2-3-4-5 and not as A-B-C and there are many examples in the market ... And not what you described that the higher order follows the younger - is not the example that you give. I think we need to look closely at the Fibo levels and see how the situation changes ... Unfortunately Elliott didn't have such great and easy to use tools as MT4 and Fibo chart objects, with the help of which you can easily identify waves and understand how the market moves ...
bariga >>:

No offence....
I think you will be closed first by a stopover and then the market will go your way.
Alexan писал(а) >>

Guys, everyone has their own way of analysing the market.
Everyone sees it differently.
You don't have to put any constraints on it.
Any system is good if you can make money on it.
So all these debates that happen on this forum do not mean anything.
They are just taking up space and wasting time.
Let's just trade and that's it.

Galina >>:

Law of meanness)
forte928 писал(а) >>

I make all predictions based on the unwave structure starting from the oldest TF and there are always only five-waves in the market, there are no three-waves...
And as for the painted five waves, you must have misunderstood - the structure 1-2-3-4-5 is followed by 1-2-3-4-5 and not as A-B-C and there are many such examples in the market.

Forte, did I get you right, are you saying that there are no threes at all, and there are always fives one after another? :))) To make a long story short.
Niroba said the opposite, all A's can be put into C's :))). Who the hell to believe.

Here's an example of a marking. You think it's all fives???

Those fives you have in your pictures aren't pulses at all. Let's read:

Alexan писал(а) >>

Forte, did I hear you right, are you saying that there are no threes at all, but that there are always fives one after another? :))) To make a long story short.
Niroba said the opposite, all A's can be put into C's :))). Who the hell to believe.

Believe the one who makes correct predictions... His triples are 1-2-3-4-5 in essence what he saw... Put a fan on it and you'll see how the five-waves are formed...If you are dear to you Niroba makes so many mistakes in the timing of forecasts, then go to him and ask why he has no timing parameters - he has more than my job in forex, and I have learned to distinguish the time of the beginning and end of waves 1-2-3 is easy, 4 and 5 still have questions about the end, but I think after a little while I'll settle these issues...
Here's a picture of how I identify waves and how Niroba sees them...