EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1523

oleniknik писал(а) >>
I ran it on 15 mins. Price target is 80% correct. It makes a mistake with the time to reach the target.

The thing is that any indicator does not see the whole picture - this is a big problem with all indicators - the whole picture is from the most senior to the most junior
forte928 >>:

дело том что любой индюк не видит картину в целом - это большая проблема всех индикаторов - всю картину это начиная от самого старшего к младшему

I agree. I will use it and give my opinion (statistics on the above targets).

If people don't mind I will try to put his predictions to check. In order not to litter the thread, I ask everyone if it is possible to do?

oleniknik >>:

нашел на этом сайте индюк по волнам элиота (сам рисует) Вот что он нарисовал

Ты его случайно не юзил. Вроде интересный для прогноза

I have a similar one too)))
I think this is how STRENGER works.

If we consider that the 4 week flat was the first wave of upward movement and the 2 - day fall is the second wave. The target is 1.41 - 43 is quite real.

But if the fractal appears below the beginning of the first wave. Induc does not draw and writes the reason. I liked it....
oleniknik >>:
вот этот индюк. поюзайте. я прогнал его на 15 минутках . Ценовую цель правильно показывает на 80 %. Ошибается со временем достижения цели.

That's the one, I haven't used it for a long time, it lies a lot.
oleniknik писал(а) >>

I agree. I will use it and give my opinion (statistics on the above targets).

If people do not mind I will try to put his predictions to check. I will try to put his predictions to check.

those you trust yourself

forexball starts on monday, will anyone be taking part?

oleniknik >>:
Думаю так получается у СТРЕНДЖЕРА.

Если считать что 4 недельный флет была первая волна восходящего движения а 2 - х дневное падение 2 - я волна .то цель 1.41 - 43 вполне реальная. но индюк пишет что фрактала нет (значит движение вниз еще на 4 часовке не закончилось)

Но если фрактал сформируется ниже начала 1 - ой волны. Индук не рисует и пишет причину. Мне понравилось....

We might fall a little lower, but if it's lower than the start of the 1st, allez.
strangerr >>:

Может и провалимся чуть ниже, но если ниже начала 1-й, то аллес.

If we look at the nature of the price movement in the so-called 1st wave, it is more likely that it was still a rollback of the previous fall. It does not look like an impulse wave, which in turn casts doubt on the development of the upward movement. but the so called 2nd wave is very similar to an impulse. there is a very coherent sale. as well as the beginning of the first wave of this movement in december.

You guys are the masters of this world. Even though you cannot agree which wave is the second, third or fifth, you give opposite forecasts and go against the trend, yet you do not hesitate to predict the price on the monthly chart for years ahead. Deja vu.