EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1505

Hello again everyone, opened a buy.
gip >>:

Реккер, у тебя словесный понос начался, иди полечись

Looks like you're in trouble again, doesn't it?


You're off-topic...
strangerr >>:
Всем привет еще раз, открыл бай.

And the goal?

oleniknik >>:

а цель?

Nonsense, don't litter the thread with your stupidity, you're annoying.
I'm doing just fine, I've been on the market for a while now.
strangerr >>:


Explanation, please. What does it take to fly that high?

strangerr >>:


There will be an opportunity to enter before 1.45, but if Greece defaults now, your warrants will be dead.

You said you would hold your positions till the clear reversal upwards, but you jumped out at the first opportunity. Young, impatient :)

gip >>:

Пшел бы ты куда подальше со своей рекламой

I'm going to send you... you know where! Shut the fuck up, retard. You better watch your posts. You write nonsense and still manage to add a comment to all your posts. Got it! You fuckin' idiot!

brodiaqa >>:

Take it to me in person.