EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1341

To monitor events, maybe discount us Galina, to support depot trousers, by eaud and eb. There will be a general sickness for the common cause and an indicator for the entry. Galina will be able to fully devote herself to her favourite pastime - competing on demos in all the dteshki. I wrote, in uwc competition starts in the coming days. And another contest in which Galina will undoubtedly have a chance to win, a beauty contest in dc alkipalki.
NZ me on the Weekly chart the last 5 candles, their lows, just keep me awake...
Galina >>:

В принципе все так же на рынок смотрю.
Жду еврик на 1.46-1.47 с этого движения.
В смысле не на этой недели !!! :)))))
на этой недели вряд и он сильно вырастет или сильно упадет.
Там же и проторгуется.
Но вот кто еще не купил....
тут конечно сложно, сейчас думаю на
1.3770-1.3780 сходит, оттуда откатит, не знаю куда,
потом на новые максимумы.
Вообще должен РЕЗКО ОН ПОЙТИ, ВПЛОДЬ ДО 1.40-1.41 ОЧЕНЬ БЫСТРО !!!!

Dear Galina. You should provide at least one graph that would show the levels you are talking about with some graphical explanation. Otherwise, why are you muddying the waters for the umpteenth time?

dentraf писал(а) >>

Recalculate the Aussie Euro, I think it's going down to 14670

If the Euro Aussie makes another run down now (meaning it takes the lows off), then the next level on it.
And it's really historically very strong at
There you go.
And if anyone is interested in the state of my deposit, I repeat it again, maybe this time Mr. REKER will hear:
Maybe that's why I sleep peacefully, unlike some.
And my STOP on EURA AUD is 1.4727.
This is especially for you Mr. RECKER, not to worry about my deposit.

Alex_Xv писал(а) >>

Dear Galina. You should provide at least one graph that would show the levels you are talking about with some graphical explanation. Otherwise, why are you muddying the waters for the umpteenth time?

It's all there on this thread.
I will look at it later and give you the link.
On the EUR I was chattering about the level of 1.3470 when it was still 1.3850.
At that time they looked at me like an idiot.
And now it probably is the same.
And about the Aussie at about the same time I wrote with all the pictures, they gave me the same finger.
I was foolish, I used 1.50 as the last buy level, and I wrote there stops, that it had to be 1.47 or higher, I gave all the profits and even the pictures.
And now I'll tell you frankly: "There's no one to buy it for and there's no reason for it!
You're all just here to sink money.
Well, you pioneers get your money's worth :))))

Galina >>:

На этой ветке все есть.
Позже посмотрю и дам вам ссыль.
По евре я тороторила про уровень 1.3470 когда она еще 1.3850 была.
При чем на меня как на идиотку смотрели что мол недойдет туда.
Да и сейчас впринципе наверное так же .
И про австралийца примерно в то же время писала со всеми картинками, то же самое пальцем у виска вертели.
Что мол дурында, 1.50 у меня как последняя покупка уровень был, и стопаки я там писала, что не ниже 1.47 ее держать и профиты все давала, и картинки.
А теперь чесно скажу : "НЕ ДЛЯ КОГО И НЕ ЗАЧЕМ !!!".
вы все здесь только для того чтобы деньги сливать.
Ну и флаг вам в руки ПИОНЕРЫ :))))

I in no way meant to offend you or offend you in any way. You are making assumptions which are not obvious to me. And I would be interested to know what aspects of technical or fundamental analysis you rely on.

Galina >>:

На этой ветке все есть.
Позже посмотрю и дам вам ссыль.
По евре я тороторила про уровень 1.3470 когда она еще 1.3850 была.
При чем на меня как на идиотку смотрели что мол недойдет туда.
Да и сейчас впринципе наверное так же .
И про австралийца примерно в то же время писала со всеми картинками, то же самое пальцем у виска вертели.
Что мол дурында, 1.50 у меня как последняя покупка уровень был, и стопаки я там писала, что не ниже 1.47 ее держать и профиты все давала, и картинки.
А теперь чесно скажу : "НЕ ДЛЯ КОГО И НЕ ЗАЧЕМ !!!".
вы все здесь только для того чтобы деньги сливать.
Ну и флаг вам в руки ПИОНЕРЫ :))))

Galina, you're too wrong.
People gathered here to earn, to learn how to earn
And fools are turning their heads or something like that.
And 1.3700 has not been broken through yet.
In the market anything is possible.


For thoughts on tomorrow

Thu 11.03

Time Country Macroeconomic indicators Period Previous Forecast Fact Impact
00:30 New Zealand Manufacturing activity index February 52.0 - -
00:45 New Zealand Food Price Index m/m February 2.1% - -
02:50 Japan Final GDP growth QoQ Q4 2009 1.1% 1.0% -
02:50 Japan Final GDP deflator data QoQ Q4 2009 -3.0% -2.9% -
03:00 Australia Inflation expectations February 3.2% - -
03:30 Australia Employment change February 52.700 15.300 -
03:30 Australia Unemployment rate February 5.3% 5.3% -
03:30 Australia Publication of the Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin - - - -
10:45 EU FRANCE - Budget balance January -138.0 bn EUR - -
12:00 EU Publication of ECB bulletin - - - -
12:30 UK Consumer inflation expectations 1 quarter 2010 2.4% - -
16:00 Switzerland Swiss National Bank interest rate decision - 0.25% 0.25% -
16:30 Canada Balance of trade January -0.2 bn Can. USD 0.4 bn. 0.4 bln Can. -
16:30 Canada New Home Price Index m/m January 0.4% 0.5% -
16:30 Canada Capacity utilisation Q4 2009 67.5% 70.2% -
16:30 USA Trade balance January -40.2 billion -$40.8 billion -
16:30 US Jobless claims in the week to March 6 469.000 453.000 -
18:30 US Natural gas stocks for the week to March 5 -116 bcf - -
22:00 US FOMC member William Dudley speaks - - - -
22:05 Canada Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney speaks - - - -

Galina писал(а) >> In general, it should go up to 1.40-1.41 VERY FAST !!!!

You have Niroba syndrome. He too "should", also "fast", only by 1.5. In general, the dollar doesn't owe anyone anything.....))))

Galina, there is no need to be offended, we are all on the same page. You, the spring of this forum branch, see how everyone perked up at your presence, and claims are made when there is nothing else to say.