EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1313

AST >>:

первая остановка 3530, но 35 красава! )

The turkey is good, nice to look at.

AST >>:

первая остановка 3530, но 35 красава! )

My first stop is also 1.3520 and my next stop is 1.3420

RekkeR >>:

Для тех кто стоит в бай, это скорее вилы.

Pitchforks will be the ones who leave the Sell here.))
We won't see that until tomorrow

Critical days.

EUR/AUD, it's going to drop a hundred to zero, where's my long term on it? I don't know, but 1,000 per cent is there. Any like-minded people? Let's discuss.
Oh, what a spelling... :(( I can't correct it, the software won't let me. Well, this pair of currencies is at historic lows, very interested in Galina's opinion.
kraizislot >>:
Ой ну и орфография ... :(( а исправить не могу, програмное обеспечение не позволит. Ну, эта пара валют на историческом минимуме, очень интересно мнение Ga

Импульса нет, и пока его не будет будем падать
That's understandable. No argument there. But an elk in days is how many pugs... . And it will be VERY hard for the pair to overcome, in short it will grow, even if not immediately, but I would) open a sell+buy now, and then leave the buy, as the pair will turn, and go.
The news release schedule is somewhat sparse this week, and Galina is probably right that it is likely to go on for the rest of the week. I wish someone would tell me which south of the north we will go to after the retooling. In my opinion, there will be one more step down and then closer to summer, heat wave, we could go north.