EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1233

Alexan >>:

Пятую наблюдаете? Сейчас решится - клин ли это. Опять 4-я за 1-ю зашла

It's not a good thing to watch by the minute=)))


Galina писал(а) >>

I'm on days and weeks.

Sometimes I use hours and hours and hours, but only to catch the price better,

i.e. i use small intervals for entry or exit, but the movement itself is calculated in days and weeks.

I traded up on d1 and down on w1, so it's probably a flat.

sol >>:

У меня сегодня регрессии какую-то странную картинку на дневках нарисовали.


where is the regression here?

Necron писал(а) >>

It's not a good thing to look at minutes=)))

Ungrateful I'd say. M15 looking at your 2nd went down like.

Galina >>:

Кстати я пока еще не одной сделки на конкурсном счете не открыла :)

Так что ...

У вас есть шанс выжить :)))

Я по доброму конечно :)

and how to open ...give me a link ..... maybe I can try my hand

odiseif писал(а) >>

and how to open ...give me a link ..... maybe I can try my hand

odiseif писал(а) >>

and how to open ...give me a link ..... maybe I can try my hand at it too!

Just read the terms and conditions carefully!!!

They're a real pain in the ass :)

Eva >>:
Нет, дорогие мои,я на этом сайте не замуж прошу меня выдать! А узнать про прогноз!

Young lady, you're not here for the forecast but for the fish, it's not much use, why not learn how to catch them?


By the way, I think there was a breakdown of the downtrend line, and a reflection of it... and I think it's going to go up fast... That's what it looks like so far. I'll show you a picture, take a look at it.

It looks like a classic of the genre)

CADJPY.d5 sell 5.00 84.78 / 01.03.2010 10:37 83.133 / 01.03.2010 13:10 9223.90

this is the deal .... strange but i had no such prices at that time ....mute water at your UMIS..... even if there was such a deal it could only be open in the morning Feb 25th .... and closed at 8 pm at the lowest ......and even then ... my minimum was at that time 83.15.......... let's say even if the terminal missed it, it happens ... just keep in mind that even if he closed at that price, the price had to reach a minimum of 83.07.... but it didn't happen

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