EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1227

cr0ss >>:

безполезно ему звонить, он ушел с валютных рынков на золото... чтоб типа не при делах быть когда евровалюту обвалят :))

Really? Soros can't live without currencies, he works with funds, and fund operations are directly tied to the currency market.

To believe the words of Mr. Soros is, how shall I put it... Soros is so rich because he can work very technically. During his life he has very technically screwed over... more than one million people and now lives on their money :)))

gip >>:

Да неужели? Сорос не может без валют жить, он же с фондами работает, а операции с фондами прямо завязаны на валютный рынок.

Верить словам г. Сороса это как бы это сказать... Сорос потому такой богатый, что умеет очень технично работать. Он за свою жизнь очень технично нае... не один миллион людей и теперь живет на их денежки :)))

He hasn't visited me in a while either.))
Necron писал(а) >>
It is better to go to USDJPY now, there is a possibility of completion of a major structure (even by Woznoy) and a hike to 98-99 (maybe higher). First confirmation at 89.40


Sorry, there's no way to get me into this nag.

She'll go up at a moment's notice, but who the hell knows?

>> cloudy couple.

NikT_58 писал(а) >>

Then say with an accuracy of +/- 20 points, for example.

Well, usually, if I give you figures, I put them in brackets to indicate whether they are accurate or not, and on the weekly and daily intervals, the system also calculates the error for me.

I wrote about it once before. It just spikes up to the sky within a day, its about +\- 80-150 points, which is not good for intraday trading :)))


Hi all!

Please advise how eur/usd will behave in the near future, watch!

Galina >>:

ну обычно, если я называю цифры, то в скобочках указываю точные они или нет, а на недельных и дневных интервалах мне система погрешность то же считает.

Я уже как то об этом писала. Просто внутри дня она подскакивает до небес сразу, там примерно +\- пунктов 80-150, как понимаете для внутридневной торговли ну точно не годится :)))

So it doesn't count.


Hi all!

Please advise how eur/usd will behave in the near future, watch!

Eva >>:

Привет всем!

Посоветуйте пожалуйста, как поведет себя eur/usd в ближайшее время, часы?!

Have a look at today's posts. Opinions abound.

gip писал(а) >>

Really? Soros can't live without currencies, he works with funds, and fund operations are directly tied to the currency market.

To believe the words of Mr. Soros is, how shall I put it... Soros is so rich because he can work very technically. During his life he has very technically screwed over... more than one million people and now lives on their money :)))

I suggest to rename Uncle Kolya into (with a Jewish accent) Uncle George :)