EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1137


Chopping? Cabbage? :)) I hope the halino depot holds out. And the canadian answered my own question... it's too late for that. That's a hell of a shot.

Look at the canadian-japanese. We'll have to catch a pullback.

- The euro was a unique creation, but it has a serious flaw," George Soros, one of the world's richest speculators, said the other day. - A full-fledged currency needs not only a central bank but also a treasury. The formation of a monetary union without a political arm is an attempt to put the cart before the horse. Unless the members of the European Union can emerge from their lethargic sleep and continue the development process, the euro is doomed.

The fall is a stable flight

- Greece's problems with the EU have not yet been resolved. And if they are solved, Italy, Spain, Portugal and other countries with high sovereign debt are not immune to speculative attacks," says Sergei Guriyev, Rector of the New Economic School. - The flood of negative news about the European economy could continue pouring in for months.
Well, you've done a three-part novel here again while I was away)).
fasklo >>:
- Евро был уникальным творением, но у него есть серьезный изъян, - заявил на днях Джордж Сорос, один из богатейших спекулянтов мира. - Полноценной валюте требуется не только Центральный банк, но и казначейство. Образование монетарного союза без политической ветви власти - это попытка поставить телегу впереди лошади. Если члены Евросоюза не смогут выйти из летаргического сна и продолжить процесс развития, евро обречен.

No faith in all these Soros, Buffets, Krugmans and others. They all work for themselves. He says that the euro is doomed, but he secretly pushes the BUY button.

Alexan писал(а) >>

Chopping? Cabbage? :)) I hope the halino depot holds out. And the canadian answered my own question... it's too late for that. That's a hell of a shot.

Look at the canadian-japanese. We'll have to catch a pullback.

I'm all right with my depo.

I got the eurik right where I've been waiting for it.

Yeah, I'm afraid, but who isn't?

I wrote this morning that the moment of truth has arrived.

It's at least going to fix the loss.

But to sit and squeeze when the crayfish are whistling .... oh, please.

Why don't you tell me what to do right here and now?

Why would I do that?

You didn't break the level!

I think it's you all who are closing in here :)

With the shorts, ..... they're on your BLEEP .... :)

Galina писал(а) >>

Oh, man, you guys!

It's a classic of the genre on the Jew!!!

It's not going below the E!

you just compare it to the pound or the new zealan.

Can't you see it's the strongest relative to the quid ???

Does anyone really still believe in the fall ???

I'm telling you it will not pass 1.3470 downwards!

She'll scam everybody like rabbits........


Anyway, I'm going home.

My formula's really going down :)

She won't live till May, she's gonna come out on top.

Alexan >>:
Рубит? Капусту? :)) Надеюсь, галино депо выдержит. А канадец сам ответил на мой вопрос.. поздно я спохватился. Шарахнул мама не горюй.

Ah, you didn't. I've been herding a Canadian and an Aussie for a long time. Here, pastured, fattened, now I'm clipping coupons :)

I would not be surprised if the eurik closes this week HIGHER than 1.3612 !!!


forte928 писал(а) >>

She won't live to see May...



Quick change of heart...

Can we turn around tomorrow?

I'm serious...


Galina >>:

Не удивлюсь, если еврик эту неделю закроет ВЫШЕ 1,3612 !!!


On RBC's Markets half an hour ago, a bourgeois guy, who didn't have time to read who, said that the eu is very much overvalued against the dollar and is facing 1.1, 1.2 in the near future...