EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1128

basile писал(а) >>

are you even still afloat??? titanic is still alive???

Yeah, Titanic's alive. Titanic's doing all right.

I can sit up to 1.33.

I've seen these numbers before.

It just wasn't supposed to go there again, but it did.

That's a serious signal to me that there's something wrong.


I am still sitting and waiting to see where this goes.

Until the eurik lows (1.3470) I will wait for growth.


I want to shake hands with Forte !!!

Man, you are good !!!!!

I wish you made the same predictions on the long term :))

KEEP IT UP :))))

Galina >>:

Да жив титаник, у титаника нормально все.

Я до 1.33 спокойно могу сидеть.

А эти цифры я уже видела раньше.

Просто не должна была евра туда сново прийти, а она пришла.

Это конечно для меня уже серьезный сигнал, что что то тут не так.

You just don't take into account the actions of the big market operators in your calculations, and in the meantime they are increasing their euro selling positions...


Galina писал(а) >>

Of course, the minima are still intact, which makes me happy...

But frankly, this move was not part of the plan.

If 1.3470 will be broken through the daily candlestick, I will lock the losses.

Galina, lock the orders - because there was not the fifth wave, at least now we are going to 1.3310 and there is a chance.

I think we should wrap up the bay, Stranger, I'm afraid the triangle won't fit...
syan писал(а) >>
I think we should wrap up the bai, Stranger, I'm afraid it won't make the triangle...

Until the news on germany comes out the movement will continue...

syan 25.02.2010 10:02

all overslept...(

online poker sucks. Random is unclean.

On the serious side, yes-but what a workout to get your brain up and get some adrenaline.

forte928 писал(а) >>

Until the news on germany comes out the movement will continue...

January 28 also expected a strong increase in German unemployment but the news was for a weak increase. Now will be the same I think. The news did not give out any reaction then and I think it will not give out now, the decrease will continue.

syan >>:

28 января тоже ожидалось сильного увеличения безработицы в Германии, но новость была на слабое увеличение. Сейчас будет то же самое думаю. Тогда новость никакой реакции не дала, думаю и сейчас не даст, снижение продолжится

But 1.3510 needs to be checked for stability.... :)

Galina >>:

Я все так же сижу и жду к чему все это приведет.

Пока еврик минимумы (1.3470) не пробьет буду ждать роста.


Хочу пожать руку ФОРТЕ !!!

Чувак, ты молодец !!!!!

Вот бы ты еще на долгосроке такие же прогнозы выдавал :))


He's a jumping enthusiast.

And he should only leave the big TFs on his computer.

And his hands should be tied.