EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1125


Is the forum jammed? Duplicate :)))

Well, it happens, Leonid, the lady was wrong this time. Not all guesses are right.

I left.
LeoV >>:


Why are you laughing? Has this ever happened to you?

gip >>:

Ты ошибся в своих предположениях.

Ты сам себе придумал сказку и веришь в нее.

Someone has invented a religion and believes in God, lives in modesty and is much happier than someone with forex in their pocket.

The rebound went up to 1.3500
OlegTs >>:

чего ржешь? с тобой не случалось подобного?

We've all had it........ it's just that it's dangerous to stand against a clear trend....

basile писал(а) >>

Everybody's had it........ it's just that standing against a clear trend is dangerous....

I'd say it's dicey :)))

RekkeR >>:

Кто то придумал себе религию и верит в Бога, живет в скромности и гораздо более счастлив, чем тот, у кого в кармане форекс.

I'm sorry to barge in, but

1. We are here on the wrong subject

2. Belief in God and forex and many other things can live together, and it is faith that helps not to become a slave to the same forex...

3. weak people sometimes try to hide behind faith and justify their failure in worldly life


all overslept...(

online poker sucks. Random is unclean.

The euro is starting to work its way up.