EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1101


Telepuzik congratulations on reaching 1100 posts in the thread. Let's all have a congratulations.

Galina >>:


Ну да вспомнила :)))

А я на работе ща, роботеки дома колбасят :))

Не знаю, че там они мне нашуршат :))

Is it not possible to watch from work?
There should be a hell of a shot up on the pound right now.
tomas911 писал(а) >>

You can't watch from work, can you?


Don't be ridiculous !

Here's more, I haven't watched the bots :)

Galina >>:

Я не поняла суть вопроса ....

Intraday, Intragood, Intramillenium:)

strangerr >>:
Щас на фунте должен быть офигенный выстрел вверх.

The pound seems to be falling...
Galina писал(а) >>

unclear.... And where do you find all this :))

Waves, btw.... ugh... mother ... waves.

tomas911 писал(а) >>

Pound seems to be going down...

Aha !!!

And immediately spilled downwards :)

Glum !

Alright then, mona I don't have much fun either :)))

>> LONGY SQUEAKS !!!!!!!

It's about time the Jews went somewhere ....