EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1095

RekkeR >>:

Меджународная фин. элита на пути к своей цели, в частном клубе, в кругу друзей, ход рынка наблюдает по ту сторону монитора, придумывает для сми новости и оправдания их несостоятельности, засылает на форумы "ряженых" и направляет движение графиков, в сторону вытряхивания кармашков трейдеров и аналитиков Очень поучительная на эту тему сказка "Алиса в зазеркалье".

What should we send them? We don't have the kind of money they are interested in.))
It's about time we started the victory march upwards.
RekkeR писал(а) >>

Alice in Wonderland is a very enlightening tale on the subject.

Is Alice in Wonderland about Forex? :)) Lewis Carroll was a great trader :).

George Soros as the Duchess. She liked to find morality in everything :)))

strangerr писал(а) >>
It's about time we started the victory march upwards.

Here it is....

And it's not there....

I don't feel comfortable.... :)))

strangerr >>:

А что им засылать? У нас нет таких денег которые их интересуют.)))

Raskolnikov is asked at the trial "what did you do with the old woman for a ruble?" "Well, don't tell me, ten grand, that's a quarter rouble".

"From the world by a thread" also comes to mind. There's a decent amount of capital in the world in the hands of physicists, big bank accounts, foundations are made up of small deposits too, after all.

In the beginning there was the Voice of America and then there was no USSR.

RekkeR >>:

Меджународная фин. элита на пути к своей цели, в частном клубе, в кругу друзей, ход рынка наблюдает по ту сторону монитора, придумывает для сми новости и оправдания их несостоятельности, засылает на форумы "ряженых" и направляет движение графиков, в сторону вытряхивания кармашков трейдеров и аналитиков Очень поучительная на эту тему сказка "Алиса в зазеркалье".

I always thought news was invented by hard workers with inflamed brains :) and "serious" guys get so drunk at the club that they flip a coin and move courses wherever they fall...

Maybe they don't have any forums or chat rooms, maybe they communicate through the media in their own dumb language ...


Yeah, everyone is waiting for the trip up, I wonder if they will take the wounded manic-depressive neurotics to the 1.3402 area? :)

Galina >>:

Вот вот....

А его что то не и нет....

Как то неуютно мне.... :)))

Galina, again I will disappoint you, it is victorious only if you look at the m5-15 tf, and looking at H4 and D it makes you want to cry.

Told you before Bernanke no one would hold the euro...,55516/20100224120718/15584=17144=16723=4979/m15725959/-/

Technical analysis.


There are plenty of pictures like this on the internet.

Everyone sees what they want in the market :)))