EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1011

Necron писал(а) >>
On the eu it looks like a hidden divergence is forming upwards. >> I have to cross my eyes :>>)). No kidding, I noticed on the dollar index, that the last downtrend is lacking (there is a hidden divergence downwards as well:). So I think a little bit more up on the eu (pound, poundtoyen) will roll. But then down anyway!!! :)))

Around 1.40 she definitely needs it, I wouldn't bother with the shorts at all until then.

Galina >>:

Я по фунту на ближайшую перспективу пока так вижу рынок.

Могу ошибатся, сами понимаете :)))

100% wrong, the pound will go down to 1.56
chepikds писал(а) >>

100% wrong, the pound will go down to 1.56.

Maybe, but he'll get to my figure first :)

Let's see what happens first...

Yours is 1.56 or mine is 1.59.

I like it !


Today I think there is already a group with backpacks full of euros for hiking in the mountains, it is a sacred thing to send them positive news from the states, collect the contents of the backpacks and then go to the mountains.

Galina писал(а) >>

Maybe, but he'll get to my figure first :)

Let's see what happens first...

Yours is 1.56 or mine is 1.59.

I like it !

>> yes it will go up first to about 1.5860 and then slam to 1.5550

Galina >>:

В район 1.40 ей точно надо, я бы до этого места не парилась бы вообще с шортами.

If the eu goes above 3840-50, for me personally then a hike down and a renewal of the lows would be unlikely.

Necron писал(а) >>

If the eu goes above 3840-50, for me personally then going down and updating the lows is unlikely.

Down from there, as part of a corrective move, no more than that.

And I keep repeating, the eu at 1.47 or so.

It's not going to update the lows.



All pairs with JPY up.


Would you like another free pose?

Totally free :)))

Right now, in the moment the Canadian dollar is trying to break down 0.0413


Stop loss at 0.0459.

Profit at 1.0293

We'll be there quite quickly.

I am going in at 0.01, I wish I had more money ....


Galina писал(а) >>


All pairs with yen up.

How do you say the yen is trending up, the eu is trending down, and the eu is trending up? original....