EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1009

Galina >>:

Ставить Ставить !!!

Всем пивет !!!

Хороших трейдов !!!

Откаты сегодня будут, но очень не глубокие.

Думаю, на 1.3867 сегодня можем сходить.

Yeah, mine went in too... I don't get it... O_o

ChachaGames писал(а) >>

Yeah, mine went in too... I don't get it... O_o

come on, i get it.

Soon I will probably disappear from the forum again for a couple of months, I will appear as soon as the eurik reaches 1.47.

With new predictions :)))


By the way, another comment....

EURA AUSTRALIAN, after a pullback to the upside, it looks like the pair will still descend to 0.5000, in a moment even pierce, this piercing will leave a shadow the other day.

I can't say the exact depth.

But I do know that there (if the pair is there, because it may go up from the current levels) we have to buy the remaining positions.

I will add another 0.06 lot, as I said before.

Galina писал(а) >>

By the way, another comment....

EURA AUSTRALIAN, after a pullback to the upside, it looks like the pair will still descend to 0.5000, in a moment even pierce, this piercing will leave a shadow the other day.

I can't say the exact depth.

But I do know that there (if the pair is there, because it may go up from the current levels) we have to buy the remaining positions.

I would take another 0.06 lot, as I said before.

Taking into consideration that the pair is traded at 1.5274, we should go to 1.0274 points - AWESOMO.

We could eat caviar without bread :) :) :)

>> This is exactly the kind of niroba.

Good afternoon everyone! Yes, the situation is interesting, but somehow I am more inclined to renew the lows, although in the long term I completely agree with Galina. The reasons are the same: hidden divergence on H4 (I mean the eu:), if to look at the waves, the last descending wave with the aims about 3450-70 (may be even lower) is missing. That's my opinion :)

opened a sell

baltik писал(а) >>

Considering that the pair is currently traded at 1.5274 - then it should be a sell at 1.0274 pips - AWESOMO

we could eat caviar without bread :) :) :)

It's exactly the same as Niroba.

Sorry, it's a typo. ))))

I meant 1,500.

Sorry ... :))))

Galina >>:

да ладно, все понятно.

Скоро я наверное опять с форума исчезну на пару месяцев, появлюсь как только еврик на 1.47 подходить будет.

С новыми прогнозами :)))

I didn't take as much as I wanted and closed with a profit on the stop loss, but that's OK, too :)

Who has any thoughts on the pound? especially pound/yen, will it go further?
kosja4ok писал(а) >>
Any thoughts on the pound? especially pound/yen, will it go further?

The pound lollar at 1.5927 is likely to come down.

The pound yen at 145 I think.

I wouldn't expect a pullback to these strong levels.....