EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2160

syan >>:

Вобще-то я даже не смотрел текущий прогноз Ниробы, я типа пошутил, и шутка видимо стоила того раз Форте так взбесился))))))

Niroba is normally right, but right now, not so much.

To go to 1.7... and then bring down the whole world, who's going to let that happen.

It's better to solve the problem now, and from 1.00 you can grow slowly and for a long time.


For him now the situation is non-standard - because his egoistic self has let him down as a great analyst - Fibo levels did not work the way he expected...and he saw a wrong right or wrong it was decided in four weeks...then everyone was writing to see what happens - it turned out that my vision was correct.

forte928 >>:

Для него сейчас ситуация нестандартная - потому что свое эгоэстичное я подвело о том что он великий аналитик - подвели уровни фибо которые работают не так как он ожидал..да и картинку он увидел не так..так что прав или неправ это рассудило время в четыре недели..тогда все писали посмотрим что произойдет - оказалось мое виденье было правильным..

Come on, Fort, the main thing is to make money.

And the more views the better.

forte928 >>:

I'm sure by a keg of beer that neither you nor he have ever checked each of their levels, or objectively and pedantically processed statistics for at least a couple of years. He wrote that he's looked at hundreds of charts, but even that seems like a lie to me, he's got the idea from Neely's book or something and is telling everyone.

gip писал(а) >>

Here's a keg of beer sure that neither you nor he have ever checked each of their levels, processed objectively and pedantically the stats for at least a couple of years.

When I do this, I keep checking at every timeframe, because all the calculation is automated and based on ZZ with levels and the price is pushed away from the level and goes to the next ZZ, so I put all the routine work on the shoulders of the computer...

I just sit down to switch TFs and make your barrel of beer is already mine to Skype address to?

Well, you're just as full of crap as he is about hundreds of graphs ;) Where are the results of the statistical processing?
gip писал(а) >>
Well you're as dumb as he is about hundreds of graphs ;) Where are the results of the stat processing?

Is that satisfactory...?


Yeah, a picture. Beautiful :) Any way she can prove that your levels are somehow special? Nah, the barrel's not yours yet :))) And besides, the picture is redrawn as you go along.
I am not against your Fibo levels, I just don't understand why they argue with Nirobus, he created his own ones, you created yours, they are just ratios, the market does not care about these numbers.


If you have this complete information in front of you, you know where the price is going and when to enter the market with a 5 to 15 pips difference between the top and the bottom.

Having this complete information in front of you and knowing the trend-following strength, you may confidently know where the price is going and when to enter the market with a 5 to 15 pips difference from the top

gip >>:

Ага, картинка. Красивая :) Как-то она может доказать, что твои уровни как-то по особенному исполняются? Не, бочка пока не твоя :))) И к тому же картинка у тебя перерисовывается по ходу дела.
Собственно я не против твоих фибо-уровней, просто я не понимаю зачем спорить с ниробусом, он себе свои придумал, ты себе свои, это же просто соотношения, рынку эти числа по барабану.

If you look closely, everything works fine.