EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1979

Did you know that ......
I can't find which site I read it on now.... but...
Yields go up exponentially on bonds which mature in 6 years, especially in 10 years.
That is the closest we can expect to see Greece default.
One more thing.
Think about it, who gave the money to Greece? THE IMF!
In fact it is really fucking bad for Greece.
The IMF is first and foremost a tight control of everything possible.
And secondly.... Constant placement, more and more bond loans, that is one of the principles of giving money to Greece.
So it is from the Obliges that the default will come.
They are the ones to keep an eye on now, if someone likes to trade for the long term.
And as you wrote there : "The yield on Greek bonds with a maturity of 2 years has fallen to a weekly low of 6.03% after the offering."
In other words there is nothing to be afraid of at the moment, for two years, that's what the bonds say.
It is not certain that demand will not be replaced by supply tomorrow, but there are more distant lows, and they say the same...
Probably understand that 800-1200 points within a couple of months is not so much .... :)
Both up and down.
RekkeR >>:

I AGREE :))))
And about the waves, don't worry !
Everything rebuilds a thousand times there from almost every 4-hour candle :)))
Sure, there are some mega hyper maxi-trends at 15 minutes !!!

5th wave in the third and all that :))))
And I have the same Diometer for two months now..... and it seems to work out (Although I'm not a Wave-driver), I wrote it for myself, just for the forum to understand me at least a little bit..... :)
Mine is the same, frankly my multicurrency strategy gives all the same numbers.... no change 1.46-1.47.
As the Wall Street Journal notes, the fall of the euro to $1 (as rumoured in investment circles close to Soros) is what is known as "the deal of a lifetime" to stock market speculators. It is the kind of deal that makes one a billionaire. To be honest, it's really not the best time for the euro," says Alexander Osin, chief economist at Finam Management. - In the long term, it will be difficult for the eurozone to pay off the debts that have accumulated there. Of course, artificial measures will be taken to support the euro, which can lead to a temporary rise in the exchange rate of this currency. But the debts will remain. That said, unlike the US, which has other countries working on its debt, Europe is on its own - and in this respect the dollar's position looks more resilient than the euro's...
nemez_ >>:
Как отмечает газета Wall Street Journal, позиция доллара выглядит более устойчивой, чем евро...

When they start telling the whole world the secrets of what's to come out loud, on every corner, from every mouthpiece, it's 100-5% nonsense.
Nemez, where do you live?

Galina, I am in no way saying that we have to get rid of the euro, no. I would even say the opposite, but while many people seek refuge in this currency ($). In fact, we are digging too deep.
RekkeR >>:

Когда начинают вслух, на каждом углу со всех рупоров посвящать весь мир в секреты о том что будет, 100пятьцот% - вешают лапшу.
Немез, где живешь?

IN RUSSIA!!!!!!!



What does the Diametric figure represent?


I discovered this figure around 1992 - two years after the publication of "Mastery of Wave Analysis". Therefore it is not mentioned in the book.

Diametric is a 7-part figure that does not contain an X-wave. Therefore, instead of a-b-c- X -a-b-c, I had to continue alphabetically and call the movement labels a-b-c-d-e-f-g. A distinctive feature of the diametric is the similarity in timing and complexity of each wave in relation to the other six. In flat corrections and zigzags, differences in duration and segmentation are large in waves-a, b, and c. In triangles to a lesser extent, and in diametrics the similarity of durations is the norm.

Diametrics occur in two main categories. In the first category, the expansion period lasts for waves a, b, c and d, followed by the expansion period of waves e, f and g. The second category is the reverse; contraction is observed during the first 4 waves, followed by expansion during the remaining three waves. This creates a butterfly shape for the first category and a diamond shape for the second.

The Sber is bulging away from 1997. A square trinomial.

nemez_ >>:

В РОССИИ!!!!!!!

Cool, homeless guy, mooching you all over Russia, then he's black?
That's better. I'm kidding, I was originally interested in what city you were from, but you started it.

tara >>:

Ну и к чему вы это ?

RekkeR >>:

Круто, бездомный шоль, мытарит тебя по всей России, то то черный такой?

Will that do?