EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1951

SEVER11 писал(а) >>

It all depends on your deposit, if you have it believe me, I already did. But don't forget it all depends on your tactic.

There's room for refills.... I always leave.
There's movement now, I'll be watching...

China supports Russia's idea of replacing the dollar

Russia and China will convince their G8 partners of the need to increase the use of Special Drawing Rights (SDR) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), said Arkady Dvorkovich, aide to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

This issue will be discussed by experts and at the IMF level. Dvorkovich noted the possibilities of SDR development as an alternative to the dollar as the world's reserve currency. "We continue to believe that this instrument has good potential. So far, our partners have not agreed. First of all, I am referring to the G8 partners. We will continue to defend our position," he added.
Isn't that why the dollar is falling so much? If that's true, the collapse of the dollar is imminent

fasklo >>:

Китай поддержал идею России о замене доллара

Россия и Китай будут убеждать своих партнеров по G8 в необходимости увеличения использования специальных прав заимствования (SDR) Международного валютного фонда (МВФ), заявил помощник президента России Дмитрия Медведева Аркадий Дворкович.

Этот вопрос будет обсуждаться экспертами и на уровне МВФ. Дворкович отметил возможности развития SDR в качестве альтернативы доллару как резервной валюты мира. "Мы продолжаем считать, что у этого инструмента есть хороший потенциал. Пока наши партнеры не согласились. Прежде всего, я имею в виду партнеров по "большой восьмерке". Мы будем продолжать отстаивать свою позицию", - добавил он.
Не в этом -ли причина такого падения долара.Если это правда то обвал долара не загорами

just not this year ... now a slump for another week, and then...:-))

Here's an example, I think that soon a week point will form and the trend for the whole year will only go up, but that's my guess for now
exi писал(а) >>

There's room for refills.... I always leave.
Now the movement has started, I'll be watching...

I don't want to go in or out.
waitra писал(а) >>

I don't want to go in or out.

Let's wait.... >> the main thing is not to rush.
Idiot >>:

Couldn't you have come up with a simpler nickname? :)))

oleniknik писал(а) >>

Couldn't you have come up with a simpler nickname? :)))

What's the big deal, he's an idiot on the forum too.

So, who wants to bet on which scenario on EURUSD? Let's vote:

1. EUR goes up to 1.367 and then down to 1.33.
2. The eu starts a rally towards 1.375
3. Immediately going down, to 1.33, without renewing the highs

4. The variant...

PS I like the first option the best