EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1944

Well, there's everything in Greece.
I_love_Forex писал(а) >>
What the hell is going on? ????

Oh, what a beauty! I couldn't take my eyes off the old picture and this one, how do I get in and out of deals now?

said..., no one listened to the formation of key points until the daily timeframe. Now downwards only after the daily cl.points appear. But it should be down because the weekly one is showing all the way down.
gip писал(а) >>
It's not just the turkeys, I'm looking at the CME report and I don't understand a damn thing.
One thing is clear, I missed something important over the weekend.

The EU and IMF have determined the loan amount and interest rates. If Greece needs the money, it will be given 40 billion euros. Details of the report came out yesterday. This has added to investors' optimism, so the euro is in high demand and rising.
SEVER11 писал(а) >>
said..., no one listened to the formation of key points until the daily timeframe. Now downwards only after the occurrence of the daily cl.points. But down they should be because the weekly shows everything down.

An empty, abstract "blah-blah-blah", that's why no one listens. You can be more specific, at which price level the reversal downwards is intended. Why exactly there? - people are interested :-)
waitra >>:

Пустое, абстрактное "бла-бла-бла", потому никто и не слушает. Вы говорите конкретно - на каком ценовом уровне у вас намечен разворот вниз? Почему именно там? - это людям интересно :-)

I agree with you empty blah, but the tactic of this trade is not to get bogged down with levels, but to work through all the wave points, now on 15 mins down a bit and waiting for the key point

I_love_Forex писал(а) >>
What the hell is going on? ????

It's all quite logical. We had to make that rise...and then all sorts of facts came flying in the direction of the move. That's the way it goes.
And by the way, this is usually the case. When the market is bullish, they only pay attention to news in the direction of the trend and ignore the opposite.

Asked for targets, here's a fibo benchmark, decide and think

SEVER11 писал(а) >>

I agree with you empty blah, but the tactic of this trade is not to get bogged down with levels, but to work on all wave points, now on 15 mins down a bit and waiting for a key point

Curious, is the key point by indicator if the first three match the colour of the band?
waitra >>:

Любопытно, а ключевая точка по индикатору, если в первых трех совпадает цвет полосы?

the first indicator, it says, the rest are helpers for the next operations