EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1939

Explain to a newcomer: if the market is closed, why do prices vary over the weekend?
kamik >>:
Объясните новичку : если рынок закрыт то почему цены варьируются в выходные ???

the market is closed at dealing centres and exchanges ... and the movement of currency does not stop.... between banks, funds etc ... google it ... there is a lot of information ... asked that question myself last week ...

strangerr >>:

Форте, ты думаешь, что 1600 пп мы будем идти почти год? Все таки думаю, что идем мы на 1.29-1.30.

Quite. Until the morning of 12.04.10, I have it like this:

strangerr писал(а) >>

Forte, do you think we will go 1600p for almost a year? Still think we're going 1.29-1.30.

firstly on the eu has started the fourth wave on the H4 - put the Fibo on the first wave and you see that we pushed off from the level of 205 the third wave was elongated) this is the first and a sign of the beginning of the fourth wave - the second sign of a double bottom, on the monthly chart, we can see that the wave structure of the fourth wave of the correction is incomplete - if you overlay the channel, we will get a breakthrough at 23% - maximum 38%, after which the Evra turns around and goes to the fifth wave, there is another sign - all of the correction waves contain permanent ripples - what cannot be said about impulse waves. further there is a regular behavior during the movement in the structure - if the first wave was regular then the following one will have one correction impulse, this regularity is shown starting from the high ones and to the low ones... At the level of 1.2500 the global minimum from the beginning of the crisis will be a very strong resistance level, which we will hardly penetrate - the possible scenario is that the shadows will catch up to 1.If we look at the history we may pass 1600 -1700 points within one year.the market has started to calm down in sharp fluctuations, it has started to show recently, when the flat components of the trend sequence appear for more than an hour, the point is that trends and the flat are two parts of a sequence and the fastest trend will not reverse according to the schedule - it will definitely get stuck in the flat - you may watch it on the recent history - if the initial wave (the first wave completed the pattern of the flat), the time for the flat is 10 minutes.

basoon писал(а) >>

Quite. Until the morning of 12.04.10, I have this:

There is also a not insignificant sign that the second bottom was 9% different from the previous bottom - this is essentially the initial structure of the move up

forte928 писал(а) >>

There is also a not insignificant sign that the second bottom was 9% different from the previous bottom - this is essentially the initial structure of the move up

HELLO.You are so meticulously described - there is no room to spit. I am not a wave expert - I used other tools, the numbers do not match a bit. But the fall trend slowing down and change of my first predictions I was talking about. But it is not clear yet, but the market may fall lower and rise in late autumn. The circumstances may be that we may not see 1.3600 this year and the dollar will rise to 1.3520-30 on Monday and should go down
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the dollar is hovering around 3,580 at 23:00 moscow time