EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1655

And enough would be enough already. On tf to n4 the pair has already climbed the golden ladder to the parachute tower. On the ladder at n4, there is no time today anyway, and it's Friday. Jewish Passover is coming up, don't the brave financiers have a surprise in store and give the euro a flying kick.
14:30 Final GDP (revised) 5.9% q/q
18:00 Press conference by ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet
22:00 Speech by Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis President James Bullard (FOMC Member Bullard Speaks)

If so....
It doesn't seem to have much of a reaction...
Mona is still thinking... not everyone's awake....
Not ..... What's wrong with that?
With a leverage of 1:500 raised 800%
But when it went down fast from 1.34XX
I realised I shouldn't have put any stops...
So, we'll go to 34 today before they close my account again ))
lexxora >>:
С плечем 1:500 поднял 800%
Но когда спускались быстро быстро с 1.34XX
То понял, что зря не поставил стопы...
Ну так мы сегодня заскочим на 34 перед тем как мне опять закроют счет ))

Lexora, you have the wrong forum. This forum is the MQL4 community.
The pre-MC childish manual trading forums are located on the DC sites.
gip >>:

Лексора, ты ошибся форумом. Этот форум MQL4 community.
Форумы по деццкой ручной торговле до МК расположены на сайтах ДЦ.

it's niroba, he's discovered nano-real and he's trying to say something intelligible :))
cr0ss писал(а) >>

it's niroba, he's discovered nano-real and he's trying to say something intelligible :))

>> nano real +10
cr0ss >>:

этож нироба, открыл нано-реал и пытается даже чёто внятное сказать :))

Well yes, definitely Niroba, no stops and 800% is him. We found another Niroba :)
Galina, don't panic, the movement is up. The momentum is correcting.
strangerr >>:
Галина, не сейте панику, движение вверх.

Those on multicurrency, we have a different view of the situation. We have it going downhill :)
Who, Galina?))
gip >>:

Те, кто на мультивалютках, у нас другое видение ситуации. У нас она идет вниз :)