EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1652

strangerr писал(а) >>

This is a picture of the no-win sistema - "Plasma Whip!"
cr0ss >>:

1.618 от чего считалось? можно картинку? а то у меня выходит 1.3242

Something I have too, still going back to 3245 from 3367.

1.33-3320 I can see, but below that I can't.
forte928 >>:

вот картинка..

phiba stretched not high\low, but what's the basis of the construction?

strangerr писал(а) >>
1.33-3320 I can see, but below that I can't.

And the fact that there are no shadows on D1 either today's or yesterday's can't tell you anything?
It builds on candle bodies, not on shadows.
cr0ss >>:

фиба тянулась не по хай\лоу, а на чем основано построение?

There are shadows.
AlexSTAL >>:

А то, что теней нет на D1 ни у сегодняшней, ни о вчерашней ни о чём не может говорить?
strangerr писал(а) >>
It builds on candle bodies, not on shadows.

>> they like noises.
strangerr >>:
Он строит по телам свечей, а не по теням.

on the bodies on H1 I have 1.618 at 1.3276 most likely due to the spread of the quotes the difference is 10p, behind my slot machine is the low at 1.3270