EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1596

Galina >>:
У меня все работает !!!
Поменяйте сервер !!!

Following your advice I rescanned all the servers, to no avail,
I'm in Minsk, maybe they nailed the CIS?


It barely worked. I've tried all the servers...
Gip, alpariq is more or less normal compared to the others (and I have tried 8 of them). Gip, alparic, compared to the others (I tried eight of them), is more or less okay. You'll end up with no trousers... I barely got out of there. That's where the orders are processed cool - 5 minutes at a time... and not in your favor by 5 to 10 pips.
Looks like the yew won't stop. And the yupi's really going up. That's what I'm talking about! :)))))


Alpari, account since 2002. I have not noticed any problems. Opened and closed several orders in last hour. No problems as they say...


Alpari is working with terrible interruptions + if there is a connection, the trade flow is busy, the bastards!

The picture has not changed, demo works like clockwork, real is fucked!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Please give me the name and IP address of the server which is now stable and I'll try to connect to it. The quotes update like shit anyway.

AlexSTAL >>:

Альпари, счет с 2002 года. Проблем не замечал. За последний час открывал и закрывал несколько ордеров. Ноу проблем как говорится...

There is a difference between "no problem" and "I see no problem". In the second case, there may well be a problem with your eyesight :)

Alexan писал(а) >>

Please give me the name and IP address of the server which is now stable and I'll try to connect to it. I will try to connect through it.

cv.mt4classic - it works now.

As my practice shows, in case of a broken connection you just have to wait, rescanning usually doesn't help

I adapted to it by including two terminals, watching quotes on the demo and managing orders through scripts on the real. Good thing now I don't have to go through all that trouble.
Well ???
Mona's had enough fall for today ???
What do you think?