EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1592

strangerr >>:

Так мой 17-го числа нарисован и посмотри как цена прошлась по лучам, так же удобней.)))

and mine have been drawn since 2000... and see how the price has gone through them.... isn't it convenient....

i've posted the markup before... look it up if you're interested...i posted a template file yesterday....

oleniknik >>:

а мои с 2000 года нарисованы... и посмотри как цена по ним прошлась.... не удобно ли....

я раньше выкладывал разметку... поищите, кому интересно...вчера выкладывал файлик с шаблоном....

Throw it in again, it's a lot of digging...
Greetings friends !
What do you think?
I think the eurik will go even lower on the news today.
RekkeR >>:

Доброго утра и дня всем. Оleniknik, а как там ведут себя макароны?

еб бай, по мизеру.

no precise movement... things can still change.... wait for the big boys...

strangerr >>:

Кинь еще раз, а то перелопачивать...
qxmate.rar  32 kb
oleniknik >>:

Thank you. Now I understand the meaning of the construction.
strangerr >>:


not for anything...

now we're stomping around a little support... on the markings...

oleniknik писал(а) >>

not for anything...

now we're stomping around a little support... on the markings...

from this small support, a small bounce of about a hundred pips...
Should bounce back to 3450
Fibo >>:

вот от ентой маааленькой поддержки неееебольшой бы отскок пунктиков эдак на сто...

there's a more serious one below... at 1.3300... from there we could go to 1.37... or even higher, depending on the situation... but we'll see when we get there... odds of 80 to 20....

sorry at 1.300... at 1.3300 the last support for the rise since April 2009...

and at 1.300 the support from which in october november 2008 flew north as much as 2000 ppts...