EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1601

strangerr писал(а) >>

Yesterday was 2012)))

yesterday was another dream he had...
forte928 >>:

вчера другая мечта была у него была..

And people are so nasty that they don't know what they want... You give them what they want, they want something else. Everything is always small and bad for them)
strangerr >>:

я ще селл не закрыл

OK, I'll ask you another way )) what is your target for the sell?

EricGR >>:

А люди такие гадости что сами не знают чего хотят... дашь им это хотят другого. Все им всегда мало и плохо)

Yeah... That's why we've been wandering in the desert for forty years... Keep it simple... Enjoying what we have and striving for the best...

And also...

If you know how to wait, everything comes in time...

beelan >>:

хорошо, спрошу по другому )) до какой цели держите селл?

Until I see that there is an opportunity to open a buy)))
strangerr >>:
Красотень какая

What WINDOWS does it run on?

Midas09 >>:

У Вас эта прога на каком WINDOWS установлена?

And here's Portugal down for you .... Yesterday Spain was brought up.... today Portugal... tomorrow something else....
EUR 0.5000 coming up .... CLICK ON :))))))))))))
forte928 >>:

вчера другая мечта была у него была..

Forte tell me where the eurik is, locally ....
What are your tambourines singing :) ???

You've finally sobered up... You're reacting appropriately to the situation...