EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1525

NikT_58 >>:

Как раз все правильно.

Одно "но" на падение необходимо не 5-ть а 3-и волны мы их и видим

As I see it, the market needs as many waves as it can make on a downturn and on an upswing. In the upswing since last April, I counted at least 8. The supply and demand at this point in time is what draws us the price waves.

oleniknik >>:

КАК мне кажется на падение и на подъем нужно стоко волн скоко рынок в состоянии создать. хоть 20. все теории - это в классическом идеальном варианте. При подъеме с апреля прошлого года я насчитал как минимум 8.

Once again, for those who don't understand.
Break through the 62 level on the chart I provided will not break through the fall, stable and long rise.
Anyone in doubt, climb the fence and watch.
All the rest is verbiage.
Once again, there are other levels or whatever else you show, do not draw circles

NikT_58 >>:

I am actually staying in the sell direction till 1.3450 and then we'll see. I already told you. it's just a brain exercise. it's boring. my robot is off-season.


Good hunting to all !
How about this :
First to 1.34,maybe 1.330 and then to 1.39 ?
Well, it's so fancy, and the fact that bearish pattern Gartley on "vikla", and even in months, may work out to the area of 1.29, - it's already statistics,
and she knows everything but the number of chairs.....

This is what the Elliot Wave Analyzer showed

The current trading Positions for EURUSD1440 (EURUSD1440) daily on 19-Mar-2010

*Degree Dealer Cycle (warehouse positions from quarters to years) should by now bypass this market. The probability of this Target Correction Area is 70.7%. However, the arbitrary probability of this Target Area adjustment is 45.0%. So the probability of this Target Corrected Area - 57.1% is better than the arbitrary.

Elliott's Extended Commentary for EURUSD1440 (Daily) on 19-Mar-2010 with two partial samples:

Reject II degree Impulse Cycle with 95.7 estimate expected to end at 1.2456 price range at 1.4794, but more likely between 1.3638 and 1.4552. This wave is expected to complete before 04-Mar-2010, and should end by 30-Nov-2011.

Once this wave II is completed, expect the market to stay on into wave III. Reject III should always be an Impulse and should return wave II completely. Expect wave III to return wave II to 164% - 383%. Reject III can also be expected to be 83% - 383% of the price length of wave I. The expected time for wave III to complete is 87% - 367% of the time taken for wave II to complete and 16% - 97% of the time taken for wave I to complete. The gradient (price range ie. divided by the time taken) of wave III must be between 70% and 219% of the gradient of wave I. Once wave III is completed, expect wave IV to be sideways corrected then deflect V to stay in the same direction as wave III. Deflect V will complete this Impulse.

Wave (c) degree Supercycle inverted Flats with an estimate of 83.7 is expected to complete in the price range of 1.3352 at 2.2413, but more likely between 1.5692 and 2.012. This wave is the consequence of a full operational out now till 14-Aug-2014, but most likely to complete before 25-Oct-2010.

This wave (c) will complete the Flat Pattern.

Current Analysis Circumstance:
Analysis Date Range: 19-Jun-2002 to 19-Mar-2010, Labels Range: 7 - 30, Preferred Labels Score: 15, Estimate Min: 75, Include Hidden Waves, Switch Stocks ON, Biased Attitude to Start Data: 8, Major High/Low Bias: 8, Largest Degree Wavelength Filter: Any Sample
strangerr >>:

Может быть и такое, посмотрел только что отчеты СОТ за предыдущую неделю, можем даже пойти вниз. Но движение вверх, если смотреть чистые модели, не обращая внимания ни на что другое, должно быть, евро должен сходить к 1.37, а фунт к 1.58.

What models are we talking about, anyway? In forex, all models have an average outcome of 50/50 :) And it's all about guessing when to go where.
How do you account for that?
gip писал(а) >>

What models are we talking about anyway? In forex, all models have an average outcome of 50/50 :) And it's all about guessing when to where.
How do you account for this?

Vadim, do you know how to copy an order opening/closing operation in different accounts using the same terminal?
gip >>:

А вообще о каких моделях идет речь? На форексе все модели имеют среднестатистический исход 50/50 :) И тут главное угадать когда куда.
Ты как это учитываешь?

It's the SOT reports that bother me too. I am not saying that I am 100% right, I might be wrong, but when you look through all the information: reports, waves, patterns, etc., you have a thought on your own, for me it is up. There is a pattern forming on the watch with a point at 1.3455.

Here's the thing that's showing this stuff
forte928 >>:

Вадим ты не знаешь каким образом используя один терминал копировать операцию открытия/закрытия ордера на разных счетах

Easy, I have an advisor like that, I'll do some digging and send it to you