EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1343

Hmmm... I was wondering if maybe Niroba is a genius after all! Well you probably know yourself that all geniuses, they are very bad at articulating thoughts that would be acceptable to us ordinary people...
Maybe he is sitting there by the terminal like Einstein, and is choking on his genius predictions, and paranoid mockery of us)
Anyway, maybe it's a virus. Who's been in contact with it, how do you feel?
mixo_lexus писал(а) >>
If I had checked in in November... I would have closed by now...

no way around it)
Niroba inc.

It seems we are at the beginning of the fifth final wave, the fall down will be to the level of 1.3460 as the previous forecasts showed a 190p dip.

forte928 писал(а) >>

It seems we are at the beginning of the fifth final wave the fall down will be to the level of 1.3460 as the previous forecasts showed a dip of 190p.

Possibly, but first it needs to break 1.3544 . And the bot settles.
forte928 писал(а) >>

It seems we are at the beginning of the fifth final wave, the fall down will be to the level of 1.3460 as previous forecasts showed a dip of 190p.

IMHO - last run to 1.3550 and then up to 1.3850....

TEXX писал(а) >>

IMHO - last run to 1.3550 and then up to the 1.3850 area....

We now have the 4th corrective wave of the 4th corrective wave on the H4 - i.e. in the higher order of the 4th wave of the correction passes..The initial impulse was given to it on 3.03

TEXX писал(а) >>

IMHO - last run to 1.3550 and then up to the 1.3850 area....

We have now on the H4 the 4th corrective wave - i.e. in the older order of the 4th wave of correction is taking place. The initial impulse was given to it on 3.03. In this 4 corrective wave now passes the third wave which should reach the level of 1.3450 then a pullback to 1.3560 (4th wave) and then a move to 1.3385 (5th wave) this 4th correctional wave will be completed... the beginning of the 5th wave of a higher order will begin based on the impulse to start it will be possible to judge about the next reversal points

forte928 >>:

Кажется мы находимся в начале пятой завершающей волны падение вниз будет до уровня 1.3460 как показывали предыдущие прогнозы провал на 190п.

And when?
Galina >>:

На этой ветке все есть.
Позже посмотрю и дам вам ссыль.
По евре я тороторила про уровень 1.3470 когда она еще 1.3850 была.
При чем на меня как на идиотку смотрели что мол недойдет туда.
Да и сейчас впринципе наверное так же .
И про австралийца примерно в то же время писала со всеми картинками, то же самое пальцем у виска вертели.
Что мол дурында, 1.50 у меня как последняя покупка уровень был, и стопаки я там писала, что не ниже 1.47 ее держать и профиты все давала, и картинки.
А теперь чесно скажу : "НЕ ДЛЯ КОГО И НЕ ЗАЧЕМ !!!".
вы все здесь только для того чтобы деньги сливать.
Ну и флаг вам в руки ПИОНЕРЫ :))))

Galina, maybe you should see a rock garden or something. Or drink vodka, I do that sometimes.
RekkeR, would you like to repeat your exploits with the buxocad? The timing is perfect.