EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1234

Galina >>:

Условия только внимательно прочитайте !!!

Они там страсть какие :)

i even attached the terms .... i looked around .... i found a tempting deal .... and it was opened on the very top not on the 1st but on 25th february ...and closed at the very bottom not at 13 hours (because there were no such prices at 13 hours) but at 20 hours at the very bottom .... the only problem is that i do not see such minima on my terminals ...... .... it's all nonsense .... a waste of time

Alexan >>:

Пятую наблюдаете? Сейчас решится - клин ли это. Опять 4-я за 1-ю зашла

What do you think now? Personally, I am still waiting for a pullback, and only after that will I look. The last wave up on H1 can be scheduled as KDT(3-3-3-3-3) or NDT(5-3-5-3-5). Of course it is possible to open a small sale from the current ones: if then up, there will be a chance to close it with minimal loss or to zero, if down, it will be a very profitable opening price of the position.

odiseif писал(а) >>

i downloaded the conditions .... i've already looked around .... i found a tempting deal .... and it was opened on the very top not on the 1st but on February 25th ...and closed at the very bottom not at 13 hours (because at 13 hours there were no such prices) but at 20 hours at the lowest one .... the only problem is that i can't see such minima on my terminals ...... .... it's all nonsense .... a waste of time

>> what language was that in?

every day such contests and the prize is not 10000 rbl. but 200 quid and 5 prizes,,,,, I'm killing my desire to trade megalots there geeyyy

Necron писал(а) >>

What do you think now? Personally, I am still waiting for a pullback, and only after that will I look. The last wave up on H1 can be scheduled as KDT(3-3-3-3-3) or NDT(5-3-5-3-5). Of course we may open a small sale from the current market: if it goes up, there will be a chance to close it with a minimal loss or to zero, if it goes down, it will be a very profitable price for the position opening.

So I did. Stop 3675. It is not clear. Anyway, down correction should be made before going up. Or it's going down. I'll be back in an hour and we'll see.

Alexan >>:

Эт на каковском языке ща было?

What did you mean by that?


I can't do anything at all in Metatrader in this competition. I can enter, but it doesn't update the charts :(

I propose to take part in anothercontest

There will be better prizes there ;)

Alexan >>:

Вернусь черех часок - поглядим.

In an hour or so, she could be... be in a somewhat unexpected place for you. The numbers are coming in on the U.S....

zznobzz писал(а) >>

I can't do anything at all in metatrader in this competition. I can enter, but it doesn't update the charts :(

I propose to enter another contest

There, and there will be better prizes ;)

Change the link!
