EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1231

Necron писал(а) >>

I agree. From the kickback you can take=)))

I don't see the logic in you. According to the markup you draw the terminal. There should be a sharp drop after it. Or is it an impulse? Then you didn't notice the crossover between the 1st and 4th waves? Or is it the so-called "wedge" of Balan? So you are waiting for the 2nd wave to pullback and go up on the 3rd wave?

Alexan >>:
Если обратите внимание на последний подъем, то там в якобы импульсном движении вверх пересекаются 1-я и 4-я волны. Что в принципе недопустимо для импульсов. Так что импульсного движения вверх пока не наблюдается.

How so?:)) 5-3-5-3-5(?), initial diagonal triangle, crossing 4 and 1 is a must! Could be first wave in an impulse, wedge or zigzag. Target points to 4017.

No, my dears, I'm not asking you to marry me off on this site! It's to find out about the prognosis!
Eva писал(а) >>
No, my dears, I'm not asking to get married on this site! I'm asking for a prediction!

I suggest we aim down 30 pips on the Eurodollar, to be sure and fast.

Alexan >>:

Не вижу логики у Вас. Согласно разметке рисуете терминал. После него должно быть резкое падение. Или это импульс? Тогда не заметили пересечения 1-й и 4-й волн? Или это так называемый "клин" Балана? То есть ждете отката 2-й волной и вверх на 3-й?

As always several options=))) If it's a KDT, then Wozny's layout is correct (with a triangle) and the target is 32, and if after a pullback we break through 3662, go with the bulls to 4017 :))

ChachaGames писал(а) >>

I propose to aim the Eurodollar down by 30 pips for sure and fast

50/50 guarantee :)

Eva >>:
Нет, дорогие мои,я на этом сайте не замуж прошу меня выдать! А узнать про прогноз!

Almost everyone says the Euro will go up, possibly with a maximum pullback to 1.35, they name targets from 1.384 to 1.46, what more forecast do you need?
Eva >>:
Нет, дорогие мои,я на этом сайте не замуж прошу меня выдать! А узнать про прогноз!

Here's a prediction for you... :)

Dow Jones Newswires column by Francis Bray, Master Technical Analyst /MSTA/

EUR/USD during the day: A bear trap triggered at Tuesday's low of 1.3433 and then the pair showed good gains towards the highs of the 1.3683-1.3693 range. Failure to break the new 9-10-month lows around 1.3433 indicates an attempt to form an important base and a break above 1.3693 would open the way to the upside towards the lower high of 1.3789, reached on February 17. Only a fall below the higher high of 1.3514 would provide an opportunity for a return to the low of 1.3433.


My regressions today have some strange picture on the diaries.
