EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1032

"If you want to get rich, invent a new religion" ---- L. Ron Hubbard
Summer >>:

gip, чего ты думаешь, ты умнее тут всех, чего ты комментируешь тут каждого? Пусть пишут что хотят. И если что то не совпадает с твоим мировоззрением или убеждениями то это не повод "нападать" на авторов сообщений, каждый человек это своё мировоззрения, смирись с тем что всё равно каждого не откомментируешь))

Глупенький, в то время как ты ошиваешься на форумах они Богу молятся, и дело не в том истинная религия или нет, как сказал один мудрец, "религии как реки ведут в одно море", вера в Бога личное дело каждого человека, так что тем более это придержи при себе.

You keep that to yourself. I'm against the imposition of religious bans on an internet forum. Popes have churches, they have flocks. I don't interfere there and I don't impose my rules there. Let them do what they want there, within the law of course. But this isn't their territory, so don't bother.

Axel for today

EUROPEANALYSIS OF THE EUROPEAN CURRENCY MARKETS: The dollar is up, there is room for further gains

Dow Jones Newswires column by Francis Bray, MSc Technical Analyst /MSTA/

LONDON, Feb 19 (ANI). /Dow Jones/. Moving charts for 24 hours:

Spot Quotes:EUR/USD pairU.S. dollar/Japanese yenGBP/USD currency pairUSD/Swiss franc pair
Spot as of 05.45 GMT1.347691.761.54111.0882
Three day trendDownUpDownUp
Weekly trendDownDownDownUp
200 dn cfr.1.425792.161.61411.0551
3rd resistance1.378992.921.55571.1000
2nd resistance1.365592.751.55201.0935
1st resistance1.362392.101.54831.0891
Pivot point*1.356091.401.55731.0815
1st support1.344391.181.54071.0850
2nd support1.340090.561.53251.0814
3rd support1.336390.351.52501.0769
Spot Quotes:Euro/British Pound pairEuro/Japanese YenEuro/Swiss franc pairAUD/USD pair
Spot as of 06.15 GMT0.8743123.721.46620.8894
Three-day trendSideways trendSide trendSide trendSide trend
Weekly trendDownDownDownDown
200 dn cfr.0.8840131.341.50220.8633
3rd resistance0.8797124.851.47050.9035
2nd resistance0.8778124.461.46930.8960
1st resistance0.8707124.051.46760.8932
Pivot point*0.8694123.841.46640.8967
1st support0.8695123.551.46530.8852
2nd support0.8656122.761.46350.8818
3rd support0.8603122.261.46060.8786

*The pivot point is calculated as the sum of the high, the low and the closing level divided by three.


gip >>:

С какой стати? Объясни. Я не вижу ничего преступного в его высказывании.

1. I didn't accuse anyone of anything, I just expressed my attitude;

2. There is no point in explaining, because we are not acquainted and do not have information about each other's life experience, so as to be able to discuss the subject;

3. "Priests", as you put it and hastily corrected your post, should rather be called clergymen, and respect is a subjective attitude;

4. This is not a financial issue and we can leave it to discussion.


The picture on erugbp is that as the dollar rises, so does the eurgbp due to the volatility differential between the euro and the pound. The pound has more volatility, so the pound is falling faster than the euro.

cr0ss >>:

4.данный вопрос не финансовый и можно оставить его обсуждение.

I agree with that.

Necron >>:
"Хочешь стать богатым - придумай новую религию" ---- Л. Рон Хаббард

The same is true, but the different religions at the present time have each got their own history, the same Christianity was created to expand power and hide the true teachings of Yeshua, because his teachings made people free, not afraid of death and indifferent to Roman power, So some of the Christian teachings were pulled and tweaked and later became the main religion, later the Catholics got in on the business, and with their crusades and fooling people for money they got so rich it's a pissing match. But it's not about religions, it's about man's desire to become human and to know God.


There is no clear direction, the waves are showing bullshit. i think we have to wait for a breakout of the channel this morning.


Monthly and weekly EURUSD support and resistance

If the H4 close is 3490 and below, the next target is 3373.