EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1028

gip >>:

Средства массовой дезинформации.

ahaha, that's right, we need to remember that))


The discount rate has been raised. Let's keep flying.

Galina says hello from the Fed.

I put the TP lots in b\u, went to smoke, smoking and thinking "I need to take the TP off, it should go down", I came in and looked, and it was flying, well, so I smoked :(

Looks like euro-death is coming.... :)


ok :)

Waves are showing no mercy)

something tells me it's either going to fly down or a pullback and down. (approximate pullback is a question)

Summer >>:

нормально :)

волны показывают не щадящие данные)

что то мне подсказывает что или улетит щя вниз или откат и вниз. (примерный откат - вопросик)

Just like children. Trying to cram their waves everywhere. It's a slap in the face.

You have to understand that news reactions are not subject to wave motion. News movements have their own laws and patterns.

What confuses you is that the price rolls to important levels on the news and it looks very much as if it is moving on the markup.


When I noticed the gap and looked at the calendar, I immediately thought terrorist attack...

Turned on the TV and it's true.

The Amerosaurs are freaking out and freaking out.

and we're going well on gold :)
I took 40 pips on the euraud ....