EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 977

odiseif писал(а) >>

I've been waiting for these levels for a long time ....))))

I've been waiting for it for a couple of months, too.

I keep posting comments on it.

I'm about to go long on this pair.

What are your goals ?????

Very strange pullback on the Eurobucks, as if it is not a reversal to a correction. Who thinks so?
Galina >>:

Да я ее уже пару месяцев посу тоже.

Постоянно коменты по ней выкладываю.

На дольняк по этой паре собираюсь зайти.

Вы с какими целями ?????

me too .... just how much do you recommend buying ...... as a percentage of the deposit?

waitra писал(а) >>
Very strange pullback in eurobucks, as if it is not a correction. Who thinks what?

It's a strange setback, I agree.

Locally, if you look at the moment, it looks like this

At 1.3704 it will go up, then the pullback will go down and that is what we should watch for.

If the pullback starts, there are good chances to hit the low of today, but if it is not too deep, the downfall will not happen

odiseif писал(а) >>

me too .... just how much do you recommend buying ...... as a percentage of the deposit?

I take 0.1 lot for 12 000 roubles.

But not today !!! I mean, I haven't bought yet, I'm going to.

But I have all this money under the stop.

I.e. if I lose all 12 000.

odiseif писал(а) >>
i'm just thinking.... am an australian or canadian ..... i dont know which is the weaker of the two currencies

Yes... It's hard for me to say.

On the one hand the Canadian is getting stronger than the Aussie, but on the other hand, if you get a correction in the Canadian, it will be stronger.

Try to break positions :)


Alright guys, I think that's it for today.

I didn't add to the euchre.....

Decided to wait to see what she draws tomorrow.

Sweet dreams everyone and trending towards open positions, best of luck.


Galina >>:

Я на 12 000 рублей 0.1 лот беру.

Но не сегодня !!!То есть пока еще не купила, собираюсь.

Но у меня все эти деньги под стоп.

Т.е. если сливаю, то все 12 000

i depend on what to buy ..... if i buy aussie then i get about 30% of my deposit .... is it too much??? if i count your 12000 then i get $400....400-140=260 in reserve .... the problem is weekly levels and it may bounce back and forth in a wide range ...I don't want to wait .... it may or may not bounce and I'm afraid to miss out on the raspberry))))))) so I ask ... who knows what's better to buy Australian or Canadian?

odiseif писал(а) >>

I said, who's better to buy an Aussie or a Canadian?

If you want to know what's better... If you don't know what's better, buy a Canadian or an Australian...

The bigger the coin, the greater the success rate - 1st Silver Dollar Scrooge McDuck's always 100%. 99% is always handled right on the money :)

Galina >>:

Да... мне сложно сказать.

С одной стороны канадец укрепляется сильнее чем австралиец, но с другой стороны, если на коррекцию нарветесь то по канадцу она будет сильнее.

Попробуйте разбить позы :)

although ..... I trade intraday ...why should I get a headache????)))