EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 815

Noterday >> :

That's right! I agree with almost everything that has been said.

Oooh) I see some wise people gathered here))) But, by the way, I'm not talking about mythology or psychology. Many in our country do not distinguish between psychology and psychiatry. As someone who has a very close relationship with medicine I will say the following: PSYCHOTHERAPY (psycho - soul, therapie - treatment) says that a human being is just a matter which is governed by the immaterial, say - the soul. Although I do not recognise the soul as such. I say mind. Just do not confuse with the brain)) They are different things. There is no mythology. Though if we start to argue about it now, you will agree that nothing will come out of it and everyone will stick to his opinion anyway) We will only get on each other's nerves. You know one thing and I know another. >> let's not offend our knowledge.)

Come on))), it was well known to everyone that we obey the laws of gravity, it turns out there are other matter, science moves on, this can only be argued at special seminars, I agree - stop it!

As for medicine, I considered the models from the psychotherapy side of course, practical knowledge in these matters is clearly more useful than theory. All our "premonitory dreams" are good modeling of the future, and no wonder that the members of this forum, very often have "premonitory dreams", an analytical mind makes itself felt ...

I think we will be in the 1.4350 - 1.4430 range till the New Year. I think the movements will start after the New Year.

A curious situation on gold:

kosa >> :

come on))), it was well known that we obey the laws of gravity, it turns out there are other matter, science moves, that's why we can only argue at special seminars, I agree - stop it!

As for medicine, I considered the models from the psychotherapy side of course, practical knowledge in these matters is clearly more useful than theory. All our "premonitory dreams" are good simulation of the future, and no wonder that the members of this forum, very often have "premonitory dreams", analytical mind makes itself felt ...

- I heard with great interest that you deny the existence of God? - said the foreigner, sitting down next to Berlioz. - Are you atheists? Yes, we are atheists, answered Comrade Berlioz.

rid >> :

A curious situation on gold:

What do you mean ?

>> Could you elaborate on that, please?

rid писал(а) >>

A curious situation on gold:

On the 15 minutes, there seems to be a figure of tr and an Indian


Finish the thought. Forecast ?

Any talk on the redhead is interesting


The main fall I expect after the new year (February-March), I think the fall will be rapid... I expect a semblance of the story on our oil...The drawings are unfortunately not very good at the moment

Yeah, I agree with gold)) And the euro will follow. In short, I think in 2010 we will see a rapid growth of USD. but then it will be followed by a huge defeat.... but before that it is more than a year IMHO

Dashing, of course.

But it won't come down below 1,000.

They didn't find it in a dumpster.

I'll buy oil at $30.