EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 588


I disagree. The Americans have the biggest debt and it is in dollars. Whenever they've solved the debt problem the dollar has fallen. It's kind of a coincidence.

Now they can't even service the debt. It took a long time to create this situation, no one has corrected the imbalances for a long time. You could say it's an unprecedented peacetime situation. And something has to be done, not the usual.

Skymaster >> :

There will be no such thing. After all, the US economy is essentially a consumer economy. Do you remember what it was like for us when the rouble sharply depreciated? Americans are not suicidal enough to drop the dollar completely. It would not lead to a global catastrophe, but it would be very hard for the U.S. in particular. And now it is in their interest to make the dollar appreciate.

I agree that it is in their interest, but the only way for them to support their own economy is to print some more money to patch up the next holes,

If they don't, it will be a disaster, you said it yourself, it's basically a consumer economy. The Americans will never tighten their belts like Britain did.

The president who proposes this is a dead man. The American mind cannot be turned. Only the Russians and the Chinese can work for an idea.

But the more money printed, the less it is worth, that doesn't need to be proven.

Obviously there is no alternative to the dollar and there will never be one in the next few years, nobody is interested in lowering it, it is too expensive, but it must get cheaper, slowly and inexorably

In the meantime, what they will continue to do is set up for the rest of the world, as usual they don't give a damn about anyone...

OlegTs >> :

Of course, there is no alternative to the dollar and there won't be one for the next few years, nobody is interested in making it fall, it is too expensive, but it must fall in price, slowly and inevitably.

The alternative is already there. And it is the alternatives that cause the problems of the US economy.

And it looks like they have already accepted that the money is leaving them.

gip >> :
The alternative is already there. And it is the alternatives that are the problem with the US economy.

If it is China, it is not ready to convert the yuan, and if you remember, all efforts to convert the yuan ended in some kind of revolt inside the country. America is still the strongest power capable of controlling the economy and politics of all others.

Japan's foreign debt is even bigger, but no one is howling that such a small country has such a huge foreign debt. There are several factors that are pulling the dollar into the hole. Now the states are trying to fix it, even a black dove of peace flew to china.

China cannot, due to its incompetence in this field. And why does it have to be China? They cannot solve their own problems.

The alternatives are national currencies, national banking systems and their alliances, the euro, the yen. Man does not live by the dollar alone.

gip >> :

>>This is not a dollar in itself.

Right, I'm out of dumplings.
gip >> :

China cannot, due to its incompetence in this field. And why does it have to be China? They can't solve their own problems.

The alternatives are national currencies, national banking systems and their alliances, the euro. Man shall not live by dollars alone.

and I thought dollar and money were synonymous ;)

Skymaster >> :

Right, I'm out of dumplings.

Go change quid at the exchange office and buy yourself some dumplings...

