EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 279


That's the morning I'm afraid of.....

Then don't spz
Krotu писал(а) >>

The basic idea of today's world is that all of us, toiling away at unloved jobs a la Danone, Nestlé, McDonald's, Gazprom, etc. from 6am to 12am (a favourite word in many companies - overwork) only to have earned a pittance to spend on goods produced for a penny but at a huge mark-up in the same companies. This creates HUGE profits, cheap labour and happiness and prosperity for a select few families-financial clans. And everyone else is a slave in the field. This is the modern world. And when someone tries to raise his head and say that this is no way to live, he gets hit in the head with a big hammer in the form of crises and other delights of civilization, so that he knows where he belongs. Money is the main god and the biggest evil in the modern world. Not many people unfortunately understand this essence of the problem.

LOL..... Not at the author... At myself. I work at Danone :))) Man, that's a hell of a description!!! +100! And what's interesting is that Danone comes first... Something personal?

Galina писал(а) >>

Evra down.... wonder how long ... ?

I'm in the longs... wonder how long ?


what asshole???

Alexan >> :

LOL..... Not at the author... Me... Working at Danone :))) That's a hell of a description. +100! And what's interesting is that Danone comes first... Something personal?

No not personal, just a huge holding company like Unilever, Bonduel, Auchan etc. and the like ... 8)))

Alexan писал(а) >>

What's an asshole?

It's my asshole!

I'm telling you, I'm in the longs! :)))

By the way, to think with your head rather than your butt - Now that there is a crisis, what happened? A lot of people got into trouble with loans. There were cheap loans, handed out on every corner, they said, take them and why not? The banks were happy to give them, even to homeless people. Then bang and the crisis - the interest rates flew sky-high, the rouble devalued, and those who took in foreign currency now have three jobs to plough, but banks have moved on. You can't pay the credit, you have no money, there is a crisis? Well, that's no problem - let us restructure the credit for you - i.e. we increase the interest rate and stretch the rest of the credit for some 10 years. This, in turn, means that not only you but also your wife and children will have to work three jobs. Very succinctly - prices in all market niches have been stepped up, the economy grows, a carrot is given to all, and then the carrot is paid and not cheap. What does this mean - we are being ruled, we are being made into slaves with an ass instead of a head, to be able only to chew and produce slaves like ourselves. Those who have enough space for gray matter - they stay away from the boons of civilization 8)))), and those who do not have brains, they pound on the Forex market, trying to work off the credit. All right - I'm being very sentimental here 8)
Krotu писал(а) >>
By the way, let's think with our heads and not with our heads - What happened during the crisis? A lot of people are getting screwed over with loans. There were cheap loans, handed out on every corner, they said, take them and why not? The banks were happy to give them, even to homeless people. Then bang and the crisis - the interest rates flew sky-high, the rouble devalued, and those who took in foreign currency now have three jobs to plough, but banks have moved on. You can't pay the credit, you have no money, there is a crisis? Well, that's no problem - let us restructure the credit for you - i.e. we increase the interest rate and stretch the rest of the credit for some 10 years. This, in turn, means that not only you but also your wife and children will have to work three jobs. Very succinctly - prices in all market niches have been stepped up, the economy grows, a carrot is given to all, and then the carrot is paid and not cheap. What does this mean - we are being ruled, we are being made into slaves with an ass instead of a head, to be able only to chew and produce slaves like ourselves. Those who have enough space for gray matter - they stay away from the boons of civilization 8)))), and those who do not have brains, they pound on the Forex market, trying to work off the credit. All right - I'm being very sentimental here 8)

Well actually that's the way it is.

I have credit too.....

I'm just one of those..... :))))

No brains... no...u... :)))

Galina >> :

Well actually that's the way it is.

I have credit too.....

I'm just one of those..... :))))

No brains... no...u... :)))

Is the husband just at work ? 8)))))

no.... here...