SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 175


I can't add anything. Yeah, that happens to me too.

But it's not a problem now, although the IP is dynamic. Clearing cookies usually doesn't help.

If it's so urgent to go to the fifth, I overload the switch.

That's all right. The main thing is to have the cure, and curiosity will be satisfied on occasion. I usually have a small gap between a pending question and an "accidentally" found answer.
another grail?
It's not a spammer. He's really going to chop for real if he's told it works))

Spam in Efroflood.

bokh 03.08.2012 17:14

Guys who are not too lazy to look at what they offer, while flat or so ... In terms of profit ...

I'm not a fan of these things, but here just decided to check it out

bokh has gone to the baths, and asked not to be disturbed.
bokh has gone to the bathhouse, and asked not to be disturbed.
Just wanted to wipe his link in my post... too late... :-)

This forum ( is in technical emergency mode.

Any attempts at insults and trolling will be banned without warning.

All posts containing insults in any, even veiled, form will be removed completely.

Here we will write when the mode will be removed.


The ethics of communication and moderation include respect for dissent.

Also to the time and effort spent by the opponent in "explaining" his position.

It's strange to see threads of more than a dozen pages disappear.

Moderate the inquisitorialism - there (I mean the thread on making money from Random Processes) was no advertising, and the flooders should be banned, not pandered to.

After all, in fact, they have achieved what they wanted - an unwanted thread was crapped on by them first and then destroyed by moderators with impunity.
