SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 149

This one fits the criteria for sure))

This one fits the criteria for sure))

It passes. Deleted.

Try writing to The Hague or Obama. Oh! Write to the Pope.
To the sports lotto, that's for sure.

And what's the deal with avatars (someone overlays other pictures on top of them at their discretion) and with the icon of attached indicators????? it turns out, they can easily go through the personalities and ???? and nothing is done for it????

Moderators, okay, let them see, but now everyone can do it if they want to???? alright, the avs are dynamic, I don't know if the author did it himself, and maybe the moderators are laughing. (But the loopholes are really through IE).

Demand in general clarification, what exactly it was. If it's the moderators, then 50 spit.

What's the deal with avatars (someone overlays other pictures on top of them at their discretion) and with the icon of attached indicators????? is that they can easily go through the personalities???? and nothing is done about it????

It's a squirrel.
Freud: What's the deal with the avatars (someone overlays other pictures on top of them at their discretion) and with the attached indicators icon?????

I don't see anything like that:

The mess in your own head, please, sort it out for yourself.


I don't see anything like that:

You are welcome to sort out the mess in your own head.

I don't drink that much. there it is. maybe it's your browser, you just need to clear your cache?


I don't drink that much. There it is. Maybe it's the browser, you just need to clear the cache?

What the hell is that?

I don't drink that much. There it is. Maybe it's the browser, you just need to clear the cache?

It's just a mess.