SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 135

Spam branch most likely

I've created a group there called Euro-Dolar Forecasts & Consequences. The forum is very often down due to server crashes and this will be our backup for communication.


I've created a group there called Euro-Dolar Forecasts & Consequences. The forum is very often down due to server crashes and this will be our backup for communication.

DRAKON 54724

Actually confess)

User 5drakon banned for 24 hours for mass spamming.


Valery, be polite. You don't need to take your emotions out on the first person you see.

Next time, instead of spamming all the threads, consult someone with more experience on how to do it without breaking the rules.

Removed spam from the SPAM thread. Further off-topic posts will be deleted without warning and the authors will be banned.
For those wishing to complain, let me remind you that complaints about the actions of moderators are sent to the forum administrator.
Spamming in private. Please be banned.
Spamming in private. Please ban.



Ma-a-ltch to all! Smeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Moderators don't have access to other people's private parts.