SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 83


Do you subject your suggestions to sufficiently stringent screening criteria. Could you clarify the highs and lows of your proposal? Or is your proposal the "ideal state"? If your proposal is of a general nature, do you think you might get a response to your proposal from Rashid or Renat, for example... Or does your suggestion apply only to "public moderators"? Or does your suggestion only apply to "some" of the "public moderators"? Either way, your suggestion is insulting to the "institution of moderating". Therefore, I suggest that you delete this suggestion to the moderators yourself. If, however, your suggestion remains as uncompromising and insistent, then I will submit your nickname for a ban.

DDFedor, your post makes my original appeal unnecessary. I do not want to feel the joy of being banned, so I express my full consent to the deletion by anyone who wishes, both of my suggestion to the moderators and of the entire subsequent discussion of it.

I will not shoot myself - sorry.

Really spamming here don't pass by or the forum will soon turn into a place to promote newly opened DCs, etc.
Really spamming here don't pass by or the forum will soon turn into a place to promote newly opened DCs, etc.

Do you think that no one is spamming here Or is "graals" now the main topic of the forum?

Do you think here nobody spam? Or is "grabbing" now the main forum topic?

If you are not a member of a forum, you should not be allowed to post your strategies, with a description of how they work + code, purely and openly. Without attacking forum visitors, like they are losers and losers and so on.

Can you honestly say? Do you classify yourself as a loser?

ZS: I couldn't have written in the thread: "What to do with doing a trading strategy that I came up with long ago, but implemented recently, haven't checked at all on a demo for only a few days and that on a DC without a spread?"

It seems to be a long one. And so it is brief and clear to all, the grail is something that no one has ever had and no one will ever have.


Do you think no one is spamming here Or has "grails" become the main topic of the forum now?
What's the big deal? Homo sapiens' first word is mum. For traders the first word is grail. It's OK... ))))))))))))
What's the big deal? Homo sapiens' first word is mother. Traders have grail. It's OK... ))))))))))))

No, in this forum, in theory, the first word should be something like:



If you are not a member of a forum, you should not be allowed to post your strategies, with a description of how they work + code, cleanly and openly. No attacks on forum visitors, like they are unsuccessful and losers, etc.

Can you honestly say? Do you classify yourself as a loser?

No one is mad at anyone and does not call losers, etc.. Where do you get that from? Where is this perception coming from? If it were real, they would have been slapped a long time ago. The MQL forum is a good platform, including for such proposals. It (this proposal), is not worse, but not better than your story. :о)


No, in this forum, in theory, the first word should be something like:

А... Agreed!

In short, "grail" - strike! Beer, drink!

Hooray! I mean, I'm in! ))))))))))))


No one is picking on anyone and calling them losers etc.

yes yes )

abolk 30.11.2010 21:09

to all losers and jealous people



А... Agreed!

In short, "grail" - banning! Beer, drink!

Yay! I mean, I'm in! ))))))))))))



yeah yeah ) ...

...just like that from the first post, you call everybody names? What a bastard!