SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 82

Michal, you want to be a moderator, don't you? Have you thought this through?
Reminds me of my cadet days, when all other things being equal, the NCOs also carried the burden of responsibility for us dipshits...
tara, please explain why you are suggesting this.
I'll explain: so that you feel more comfortable participating in the discussion of the topic; so that the best don't rush to become the past. So that everyone would not aspire to reach the level of their own incompetence (the latter does not apply to you exactly). It's up to you to decide.

In principle, the arguments are logical. We'll discuss it in our internal council and report back here.

There is one inconvenience: you have to switch between nicknames.


There is one inconvenience: you have to switch between nicknames.

Here is the formal criterion - the frequency of switching.
Criterion for what, tara?

The criterion is a necessary and sufficient condition. I love it this way.

The more of a woman we are, the less of a woman we are. This I added - not an aphorism, but the truth!


The criterion is a necessary and sufficient condition. I love it this way.

The more of a woman we are, the less of a woman we are. This I added - not an aphorism, but the truth!

Do you subject your proposals to sufficiently stringent verification criteria. Could you clarify the highs and lows of your proposal? Or does your proposal refer to the "ideal state"? If your proposal is general, what do you think Rashid or Renat, for example, might reply to your proposal... Or does your suggestion apply only to "public moderators"? Or does your suggestion only apply to "some" of the "public moderators"? Either way, your suggestion is insulting to the "institution of moderating". Therefore, I suggest that you delete this suggestion to the moderators yourself. If, however, your suggestion remains as uncompromising and insistent, then I will submit your nickname for a ban.

In principle, the arguments are logical. We'll discuss it in our internal council and report back here.

There is one inconvenience: you have to switch between nicknames.

Come on, Lyosha. He's the only one. As it is. There can only be one nickname.



That's OK. Personally, I wouldn't be comfortable with it. Although I do know that some very well respected individuals here have two nicknames. They are often easily recognized, by the way.

I understand DDFedor's and your position more than tara's.

Tara's argument "so that you feel more comfortable participating in the discussion of the topic; so that the best ones don't rush to become the past" is difficult to accept as decisive. I already feel quite comfortable with my current nickname. And I don't need to switch to a "technical" nickname to discuss technical issues, as technical discussion doesn't prevent me from moderating at all.

Vinin' s decision about the second nick(VINAR) is his own decision and I respect it. But it doesn't mean that I'm going to do the same.

In short, the topic is closed.

P.S. I can't take switching frequency in any context as a criterion of self-esteem. They are completely different things.