SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 33

avatara писал(а) >>


And where's the "automatically deleted" part?

Mischek писал(а) >>

Well, of course.
very useful, and it's very appropriate.

So, it's not me, but avatara wants it to hang on the forum for 24 hours. ;)

PapaYozh >>:

Так это, не я, а avatara хочет, чтоб такое сутки на форуме висело. ;)

avatara писал(а) >>
Word and deed union thread.

It's very good that the thread is working. you shouldn't think that moderators delete threads "without looking" - that's naive. and no one is safe from mistakes.

Mischek >>:

Спам в личку
торговые сигналы, блаблабла
DDFedor >>:

очень хорошо, что ветка рабочая пролучилась.

What is its use?

Self-satisfaction for the "zealots of the faith"?

If spam like ceilings - only the external seriousness of the forum can interfere.

And not for long.

In 24 hours it will go to the third page and will die.


avatara писал(а) >>

What are its benefits?

It's a swift clean-up of the rubbish.
Have you decided to clutter up this thread?

PapaYozh >>:

В оперативной чистке мусора.
Вы решили зафлудить эту ветку?

I asked a question.

And you have prosecutorial overtones...



Is this thread for "insiders" or what?

avatara >>:

В чём ее польза?

Самоудовлетворение "ревнителей веры"?

Если спам типа потолков - тока внешней серьезности форума может помещать.

и то не долго.

За сутки уедет на третью страницу и сгинет.


No way.
With 35,000 originals a day, the forum is interesting for advertising
once the particularly cheeky ones are turned a blind eye, in a month you will have 90% advertising against 10% of the usual ones
Mischek >>:

Ни фига
Имея 35 000 оригиналов в сутки, форум представляет интерес для рекламы
как только на особо наглых будут закрыты глаза, так через месяц вы будете иметь 90 % рекламы против 10 % обычных


I haven't even seen 2%.

Where do the statistics come from?